Flowers For Serath #1

A sort of free verse poetry/stream of consciousness. ill be writing more with him as the days and weeks continue. thanks for reading :) his scars are his penance. his awareness that he is alive. they happened in the past, he cannot change them.

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Revolt of 64

#2 of lyric poetry free verse poem i wrote in english. portuguese translation by yoshirojr on fur affinity. (note: i'll be looking to translate this poem into french, spanish, and russian in the future.)

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Also unlike allure, which is free verse, i returned to rhyming, used a classic meter, and further challenged myself by making every line exactly seven syllables long. ^^ i don't know why, but seven syllables flows nicely.

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Can I Tell You Something?

This is a free verse poem that i made kinda spontaneously. i've never done a lot of poetry but i just jotted this down.

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#2 of poetry some biographical free verse my nerves the orchestra none hear. freeways of fire make me try to gnaw hands to paste. the kitchen burn that melts and cooks my skin till juice beads along my arm is nothing.

A Poetic Definition.

For even in free verse, the plain truth that plain prose speaks plainly is crystalized, is sanctified, to a mosaic icon. and does the halo make the icon? or the jeweled letters? the colors of the tesserae? the linden wood unblemished?

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Poem 1 of October

A simple free-verse poem, i have decided to start writing one poem a week around a certain theme. that theme i randomly choose for each month.

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#2 of poetry this is a free-verse poem that i still really like. again more of a personal poem and probably not related enough to furry, but what can you do?


The Soloist

I was shooting for more structure as opposed to free-verse, which i feel i accomplished. i also wanted this to be a bit silly, but i don't think i quite managed that. oh, well, better luck next time!

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Little Wings of the Storm

This is another free verse work; i avoided a specific meter and other schemes to try and capture and represent a song, a certain song that i may or may not have written about in the past . . . \ have you listened to it yet?

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Run for the Cliff

free verse and iambic tetrameter, nice and classical. they shook off the thoughts of the mountain, and began to read once more.

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Love Lost, Chapter 6a, Ascensions.

Write your own made-up free verse poetry that your teacher will think is about this assignment." "you know if my grades aren't high enough, the league won't let me journey next summer."

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