Fate Of Ank\'Nal : The Beginning

Her group consisted of four individuals excluding herself, ashnu, an old arabic thief, who knew the desert more then anyone else. andrew, a large framed american dynamiter.

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Serval and Sheep Prologue: SIDE SERVAL

Here's a fun fact: her name is arabic, and means "little lioness". although she's a serval, i thought it sounded perfect. i don't really have much to say, so i suppose i'll see you next time with the final part of the prologue.

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I said, i thought genies were all arabs or something!" "hey, said the genie, dats whut i thought too, until i made one of em mad and he put the hoodoo on me bigtime! now i gots to give a wish to any body whats opens my lunchpail!

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He didn't even know if this was arabic or euro common he was hearing. with all the strength he could amass the cat lifted his head, dried blood and new blood turning his once white fur ragged and red. "what's...


Three Furs, One House

One of the furs, an elderly jackal with a patch over one eye, stepped directly up to me and started screaming at me in arabic. leightner came up to him and roughly wrestled him back into line.

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Legio Para Nostra, Chapter 1

That surprised me again i was still expecting a french or arabic voice to reply. the door slowly opened "honestly joey, you never give me a minute to tidy.............. aaaaaaaaaaaaagggggggrrrrhhhhhhhh!!" the voice screamed.

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Credo of Thieves, Part 2

"egypt counts as arabic, ma'am, not african," the large crocodile corrected reproachfully. "and i'm employed, not adopted. i wanted to come here. he didn't force me."

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Algerian Speed

He muttered in arabic under his breath and turned to slowly follow joseph back into the mansion. "master mahri is in his office..." joseph acknowledged with a hurried nod but said nothing as he walked into the mansion.


Age of Endeavors Part 2

-arabic proverb. the vast sands await the wandering soul. a sea of streaming dreams carried by winds rolling in from the seaside. if one is fortunate enough they might even catch the scent of salt in the air.

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A dog named Toby (3)

Sharla and janet came by and asked if he wanted to join them at the "cute little arab place" that had opened up at the corner. cody politely refused and didn't bother trying to explain that they were indian not arab.

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Twins Take the Spot-light

Our host, whose name will remain withheld out of deference to his hospitality, was a typical looking arab, from his brown skin to his choice of traditional desert garb.                

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Spartan 0-6 Ch.2 The Home Front

From that day, forward iceman devoted his life to defending his country and destroying all things arab. so deep was his hatred, that it often led him to be reckless in the face of danger.

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