Burdens - Chapter 97: Consideration
Chapter 97: Consideration After the initial few days, the storm quelled. It was not a degradation of Roger's feelings for the wolf, nor was it the opposite. Rather, all of the suppressed emotions had been let out for the most part, though of course...
Out of Time
Read this first: If you're under the legal age, that being 18, you should not be here. This story, however, does not contain anything sexual, except for a gay relation thingy that has no penis or whatever in it. It's clean, but if you don't like them...
Kirren's New Life: Chapter Five: The Value of Life
Warning! Read this first: This contains plenty of violence, blood, gore, death and the such, as well as some homosexual themes, so if you do not like that sort of thing, do not read this. You must be eighteen or older to even be on here, so I figure...
Warning! Read this first: This story contains: Rape, homosexual relations, homosexual intimacy, teenagers (:o), and statements/situations that may offend some people. If you are under eighteen, you should not be here, and definitely should not be...
Warning! Read this first: Don't know why I need to warn you. If anything, this is yiffstar, you shouldn't be here if you're under the legal limit. If you don't like near-death and/or death, don't read this, though it shouldn't be much of a problem...
Burdens - Chapter 35: Interrogation
Chapter 35: Interrogation It was dawn. The sun had risen and the light shone through the windows. It would normally had woken the fox, but he was already awake. He paced back and forth in his room. He was ready to leave. He had woken an hour prior...
Burdens - Chapter 34: Planning
Chapter 34: Planning He was wet and he was tired. His shower had not taken much time out of his day, but he did a poor job at drying himself. Every so often a drop of water would fall from his fur, but it faded away with time. Roger yawned. His mind...
Burdens - Chapter 33: Reflect
Chapter 33: Reflect The fox's return home did not take very long. He knew where it was for the most part, but he checked the GPS on his phone just to make sure. His house was empty still. His parents apparently were working that Sunday, though most...
Burdens - Chapter 32: Withdrawn
Chapter 32: Withdrawn The two had spent much of the remaining time studying what the wolf needed to study. Roger was very nearly thankful for the distraction, as he did not want to be put through much more torment than what he had already experienced....
Burdens - Chapter 31: Shine
Chapter 31: Shine There was a stillness in the air. For what seemed like forever, nothing was said between them. They looked at each other, not wanting to break the gaze for it would only incite doubt and guilt. It would show the other the shame they...
Burdens - Chapter 30: Illusion
Chapter 30: Illusion The fox woke up again. Light had not necessarily been streaming into the room, but there was definitely a bright glow from the blinds that made him keep his eyes closed. He tried to remember what had happened the day prior, but it...
Burdens - Chapter 29: Tangible
Chapter 29: Tangible Night had fallen upon them. Evening came early, as it usually did at the time of year, and the temperature was dropping rapidly. It was still no different than any other night, though. Roger and Hunter had spoken of many things,...