Echo - Road 65 ( 2/2 )

"by the way, why did you come here leo ? i see there are quite a few freaks. » leo sighed. "some of these guys are team members and they decided to throw a wild party. since we couldn't do it in payton, they decided to come here.

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Broken Bridges Chapter 3

Can you come with me to mom and dad's room, please?" "sure, bro." he stood up and followed me down the hall to my parent's room. this was it. i was finally about to tell them.

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Confessions of a Wolf

To me it appears as if the panther had expected everyone to come to him for advice, stories, life skills instead of pressing to organize our little group.

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Dustin & Kai: Chapter 6

He told dustin "someone who is as devoted to you as kai doesn't come along often. i'd hate to see you lose this, and i'd hate to see kai hurt. he needs you."

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Event Horizon: Chapet 1 Approach

The waiter just took the money and as she was walking back to the kitchen she yelled back to him, "you know that the drinks come with the pizza right?" blitz and evolu both had to restrain him.

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Glancing backward...

When nilem felt gosel's groin grind against his own, he was eagerly awaiting the coming moment. he managed stifle a moan as the grizzly pulled out his near two feet of meat, until just the head was in.

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1000 Words: When Coming Out to a Stranger Isn't So Bad

My mother asked me to come in. you see... well. it's just that, like i told her about three days ago. i'm..." i looked up at him, nervously making eye contact, but he just waited patiently, nodding encouragingly.

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My story, Joshua M. Reav (Revise)

Chapter 1 is coming soon. please give feedback. this is the revised version, with paragraphs.

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Spending New Year's Chapter 1

He liked school, and being as he would graduate the coming june, he wanted to spend as much time with the people he cared about as he could.

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New Prologue for Todd's Senior Prom

coming down from a serious nightmare had its own strange kind of euphoria. i took my sweat soaked pyjamas, changed the bedcovers, and decided just to sleep naked. i didn't want to sleep though.

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Shooting Your Shot

come on, man! we're in our prime here! gotta strike while the iron's hot!" "then i assume you have?" cinderace's ears slightly drooped. "w-well, we've got a lotta places to visit.

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Chapter Two

No one dared to meet her eye or stand in her path when she moved about the village, some even hurrying away with mumbled excuses if she happened to come too close.

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