Between - Chapter 2 (Dian)

For a second, i swear i see the crosshairs of my gun focused on her. i shake my head to erase that image, "i am saying it is a miracle you are still alive."

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Devil Seed Ch.11

His crosshairs focused on one of the furthest zombies. he fired a round into its head, brain matter and blood spattering against the wall next to it. he reached into his pouch and took out another grenade.

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My Journey Through High School: Chapter 16: A Dark Shroud

"enough," jeremy said, "and rodney, i have my own reasons for going along with her orders, but just because i don't kill him yet doesn't mean he's out of my crosshairs."

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Demon war Chapter 5

As his finger put pressure on the trigger, a flash of exposed flesh appeared in his crosshairs. calvin took the opportunity, his finger fully pulling back the trigger as the 6mm rifle fired.

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A Close Friend.

Confident that he was secure he began to shut out the rest of the world and focus on his crosshairs. troy slowly scaned left and right searching.

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Finding Humanity Chapter 2

She does as he ordered and sees the beam's barrel extend out from her arm and she looks at the target and sees crosshairs appear in her hud. she fires and hits dead on in the bullseye on the head on the target.

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L H A { 1 - 1 }

I shook my head a bit sadly as i closed the ammo compartment that hid in the armor along my right leg then lifted the rifle to look down the green sight, glad to see that the crosshair moved with my eye.

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VR Kingdoms - Stage 1: Learning the ropes

I focused, lined up my crosshair with the target, and fired the six rounds of my magazine. despite having the body of a twelve-years old, the recoil was not very big. it was a starting pistol, after all. "well i'll be..." doug reacted to my score.

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WIP- Red Winter Spinoff.

The mercenaries then quickly turned their crosshairs on his bodyguards who were trying to flee in the car. but the bullets found their marks as well and the guards were taken out along with their boss.

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The Doctors of Doom, Part Eight

A targeting scope swiveled into place and she sighted the pipe cover through it, focusing her crosshairs on the valve handle in particular.

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Make Like Dillinger (Act2, Book2, Chapter1)

"yeah, she made a comment about me being in the 'crosshairs of discord' - whatever that means." patty shook her head and smiled. "the greco-romance goddess of chaos and discord was named eris.

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Chronicles of the Justicar ActII Part IV

Commander to'vash gripped his energy rifle; he looked at the crosshair that flashed red across his heads up display when the gigantic undead was targeted, arjun was only moments away from being devoured as he slowly squeezed the trigger to let a trio of laser

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