Ander - Chapter 6, Subchapter 6

Nilia's voice did a much better job of grabbing everyone's attention than the feeble tapping of that dinky little hammer. "you cannot run away from this!

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A New Gay Brother Part4: Broken Apart

They both entered the small dinky classroom that had a musty sour smell to it. the late bell rang right as they sat down in their seats, panting profoundly from running to class.

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Ander - Part 6: Subchapter 6

Nilia's voice did a much better job of grabbing everyone's attention than the feeble tapping of that dinky little hammer. "you cannot run away from this!

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BONUS!! Composition FF-SxD 4.5

Not a small, inky-dinky jack-knife, but a broad-sided blade, almost as big as the kitchen tool. its shiny edge gleamed back the halo of light from above as he twirled it once around his hand, just to show dags that he knew how to use it.

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Carrier Wolves - Chapter 4: Report

I don't know your life story, even though i know most of those years comprised of us flying in a dinky delivery ship." "sorry carlos. i think i know why i didn't mention robert to you all this time.

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Work In Progress

He needed all the help he could get, so even dinky & hugo helped out, after all he was thier younger brother, even if he was so much larger then they were.

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Children of Earth - Chapter 10

They are suited for dealing with modern capital ships, not those dinky guard ships the elves used during the battle of earth.

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Halo - Distress Signal (VORE)

You stood in the mouth of the dinky little cellar, staring numbly towards the gray skies overhead. it'd been a busy week.

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Can't beat em? Fuck em.

One hand gripped my +3 sword while the other had a torch (i sucked with the pistol anyway) at any moment i was ready to transform my dinky sword into a larger hammer, which was slumped on my back and ready for action.

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A Game Of Cat And Mouse And Dog

._ * * * fighting his anxiety, timmy walked up to the dinky looking house, double checking the address his friend gave him.

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Mare in the Big City (In Your Dreams Prequel)

The milking pump was a professional model similar to the ones she'd used in her time, more powerful than the dinky handheld pump she carried for what were once emergencies.

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Love Thy Neighbor

What were you expecting a small dinky home to spend the summer in?" asked his mother. "this house is freakin' huge!!" anthony said while turning to his parents, who were now undoing the bags that were tied to the top of the car.

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