Der Lyrikdrache

(c) Larc Krampfhaft und mit eisern Mine, tippt er auf der Schreibmaschine. Klicken, Scheppern und Gegröhle, hallen leise durch die Höhle. Schreiben wird kaum anerkannt. Ein Münzenbild hängt an der Wand. Kein dekadenter Hort voll Gold. Die...

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The meeting

Savel was at the edge of the treeline that surrounded the clearing. From where he stood, he could see a creature standing in the clearing, The Aspens Creating a shadow, making it hard to make out what kind of creature it was. He slowly approached...

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Mass Retard Effect -Day 2-

The enemy was....... Master Cheif!? "Ha ha, look at that stupid bweiner Cortana!" MC yelled to his smexy companion Cortana. "Haha Rofl this fgt gon get h1s ass kiked LoL!" Cortana yelled, flailing her arms around more than Elmo does in a whole season...

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Into the Darkness: Chapter Three

I looked down at my uniform, and sighed. I took my boot off the kid, and slung my SAW on my back. I reached down and helped him up, and nodded to him. "Sorry about that. Being a soldier gets you nothing anymore these days. I've been shot at by humans...

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Mass Retard Effect -Day 1-

Shephard..... The Galaxys finest hero... Is now (rudely interupted by shephard, who is currently shitting his ass off) "Shephard, you are a dumb retard. Get out of this story..." The narrator says, tired of Shephard's constant bullshit. Shephard looks...

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The Good Die Young - Preface

In it there will be: death people with and without fur no-yiff magic attempts at humor no-yiff violence monsters no-yiff something you could show your grandkids without there being (severe) legal repercussions emo moments if you enjoy at least three of those

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A Little Something

**A Little Something** something This joke is presented by the Five Dragons Corporation. The Guardian-dragons reserve their right to ignore accusation and enjoy themselves. The Five Dragons Saga, Daracoss, and all its characters and locations...

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The Ballad of the Goat

One would presume The Goat to be a regular, run of the mill goat. But one should be wary of goats, as their intellect far surpasses the one of humans. And this goat is special in its own kind. The Goats is well known for its antics, having broken up a...

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The Crass Menagerie

"So this is it?" The man was staring up at a blinking neon sign. "Yep. Don't get fooled by the exterior. It's got built in filters. You'll see what I mean once you're inside." "_Can_ I go inside?" "Anyone can. Like that song from The Eagles though,...

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POEM: Walking In Front Of Me!

**I will try to keep this terse. This poem has 2 lines of mildly suggestive verse. It also has one weak swear word . In other areas, things may have gotten blurred I admit my style is probably rather unfashionable and simple, but it is what rolls...

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Unknown Worlds: Always Dead

Unknown Worlds: Always Dead We all stand in different spots, our eyes staring into one another in the silence that follows. I yawned growling pleasantly to myself as my tail wagged suddenly. With my eyes darted from one dragon to another, I had...

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Unknown Worlds: Closing Cut

Unknown Worlds: Closing Cut Gathering us among one another, I sighed and shifted my attention elsewhere. Glancing out into the distance horizon beyond us with a ponder of wonder how the other dragons were doing. As I sighed again, I ignored the spoken...

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