Weapon - Delayed

"sir, major richardson us army mp, reporting as ordered, sir!" "at ease major, and please have a seat."

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D.E1 Chapter 50: Sector Zero

This yellow eyed evo had one of the most important jobs in canis major, if not the most. she lived in a place known as sector zero; a sector located within the very core of canis major itself.

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Another World's Hell Creek

Circavelocipterus major: a 2 meter wingspanned volaticothere. dreschepteryx blackfooti: a 1.2 wingspanned volaticothere. "unamed volaticothere a": a 1.5 wingspanned volaticothere.

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An overview and history of my Galactic Conflict series

.^ brief overview of the three major powers: _the earth federation_ - the second largest of the three major galactic powers. militarily powerful, their fleet is the second largest but is the most advanced in galaxy.

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In the Service of Mystery (Pt. 15)

I'll need you to report to major fuchs.' we were all escorted back to the major. she looked up from the clipboard. 'thank you all.' she said.

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Diary of the ODST

Gaz cried out, grabbing the sergeant major by the collar and hooking his heel into the back of the major's knee.

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Fit for to Serve as a Soldier

"there's always a risk, major. in this case, i don't believe it's terribly serious." major atta-farash considered this for a few seconds, and nodded slowly. "might i make a suggestion, sir?" coltharden inclined his head.

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Task Force Omega - Prologue: The Breaking Point

Fenris wasn't sure what would have happened if the sergeant major hadn't intervened. he felt the full force of the sergeant major's boot right in the face. he rolled of spear, half unconscious by the savage kick.

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Sakura’s Traumatic

Sakura the cherry blossom siamese cat seeing the major spoilers that will ruin her. said news reporter. and she says "sakura has a syncope for seeing major spoilers too much." many days passed. after the coma, sakura got out of hospital.

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Death In The Holy Land: Pt. 1

"i enjoy your style of thinking major, who do you want to lead the attack?" major ahuv smiled, he had a company commander in mind.

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Tour of Duty: Teaser

major flecker, a lynx, is dedicated to her career, so why is she even considering the cheeky yet charming genet private holz? major flecker extended her claws and began to clean the sand from under them with a pencil.

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