Problems of a Distraught Cub - Week One: Monday (Morning)

They stick these kits here because they can't send them to real jail, and since this place is close enough representation of a jail, they get dumped here. there are punishments for thins you do here as well. the blues and greens got cleaning duties.

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Those awkward moments that become great ones

I think this chapter is a pretty good representation of just how awkward i could be or at least felt back then. if you have any gripes, complaints, compliments or suggestions feel free to leave them and i will do my best to work with them.

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Eternal Mortality: The Tutinian Civil War Part One

The president, frank ramon, openly stated that the eastern lands deserved less representation because they provide less for the federation. almost every military unit in the eastern lands defected to the rebel cause.

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Mirrors hang from the walls between paintings so that visitors can compare themselves to the paintings and statues and determine the extent to which the representations of them resemble their real selves or not, and so that corrections can be made to them

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Stained Purity Chapter 12

She had been inside many times as both her father and late mother sat in the council, the carvings in the sides of the walls where representations of different dragons that had done great things, one being her mother another being the inventor of the glasses

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The Dark Streets - Reboot Preview

The representation seems to be most, hmm, adequate and precise." "yes, please. i assume he will have already set up the board, and i feel that this discussion in particular will require a drink.

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Into Darkness: The Long Sleep

As he moved, his form become multilayered-- wires and tubes and metallic joints appearing in a huge, hazy halo about him, like this human representation was just a small attachment decorating the tip of the massive machine that was boris.

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my first furcon...horrible

And i know there will be persons mature enough, not in the fandom for all the "bad stuff", but if this is a good representation about the fandom i'm out. i was looking for new friends on this con, without having to hide my interest for anthro's.

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The Outlander

Please remember these are representations only - not facts. enjoy. _this story takes place between mattimeo and the pearls of lutra_ i am ikkit claw, master of the eshin celestial realm and ruler of five hundred thousand subjects.


Painting Pictures -- RUBY

Important ruby properties: hardness and representation of lust and love ~ruby~ the day was something special.

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In the Crowd

They didn't want to kill the king, only to seek better representation of his squashed lower class. tay hadn't done anything wrong. neither had david, or anyone else in that group. tay was looking out at the crowd, shivering in obvious terror.

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The Messengers 4

It is the perfect representation of kobold beauty, lost to the mammals who care less about crests and horns and more about curves and breasts. hanioc pulls tik tik in.

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