Ball Brawl - Round 1
A round of applause erupts from the crowd. she waited for a moment for the applause to die down. "tonight we are starting our first match with a two veterans of the ball brawl ring squaring off against each other.
The Game v2.0 - Round 10
#10 of the game v2.0 and now, the pen-ultimate round of the game v2.0! as we're closing down this incarnation of the game, stories are being wrapped up and conclusions quickly coming to a head.
The Game v2.0 - Round 9
**the game v2.0 - round 9** pizza on a first date. not exactly the classiest cuisine but david convinced himself this was not a date. it was just a 'getting to know you' session.
The Game v2.0 - Round 8
#8 of the game v2.0 aiden's first round and he sure gets quite a round! it seems that our newest player is starting to get a bit of a crush on our eldest player not to mention tony's pride is gaining a little personality of their own. hope you enjoy!
The Game v2.0 - Round 7
#7 of the game v2.0 and we're back with round 7. once again, we have an 'out of game' chapter as we introduce the next player. not entirely a 'round' of the game as such but still fairly important. aiden is just one, big, romantic softie isn't he?
The Game v2.0 Round 6
No doubt, the lion won the round for the first time. the worried look on tony's features, however, did not fill him with confidence. "looks like you won your first round, huh?" he said, shaking getting to his feet.
The Game v2.0 Round 5
"he'll come back next round," ben grunted, wrapping an arm around his shoulders. "let's -" the lights flicked off again. more screeching and grinding of metal.
The Game v2.0 - Round 4
**the game v2.0 - round 4** "ben, i -" "get out!" ben roared, his voice carrying well into the hallway. david was dumbstruck and unable to reply.
The Game v2.0 - Round 3
**the game v2.0 - round 3** the piercing stare that ben gave tony was more than enough to chill the blood of the english major.
The Game v2.0 - Round 2
#2 of the game v2.0 ladies and gentlemen, furries of adult ages, may i present to you, round 2 of the game! no furries under the age of 18/21 to witness the events of this round.
Fates of the Unicorns 50 - Rounds
#50 of fates of the unicorns ## fates of the unicorns - chapter 50 - rounds _ **spoiler warning** : if you are new to the story, this chapter contains plot and character development spoilers for the over all story.
Round About Chp. 4
This is the next chapter to CrownedClown13's story plan. [Chapter 1](%5C): By [CrownedClown13](%5C) [Chapter 2](%5C): By [RuthofPern](%5C) [Chapter 3](%5C): By [3timer](%5C) So, this is pretty much the first published piece of literature I've ever...