Jaded Journeys ( Pt 4 )
. - wind wolf ( contents of white wolf studios used within, are theirs. ) jaded journeys pt 4 "rain.. rain.. it's almost noon, come on, get up.."
Jaded Journeys ( pt 3 )
. - wind wolf ( warning in advance : the only 'yiff' in here is brief masterbation.
Jaded Journeys ( pt 2 )
Outside there was a storm, rain and wind throwing themselves wantonly up against an unmoving window. he could see it.. just not hear it.
Jaded Journeys (pt 1)
. - wind wolf jaded journeys part one the world slowly faded into focus again, the quiet chittering of the pattern spiders, the pale glow of the umbral moonlight, the webs hanging off the crumbling reflections of old brick buildings.. it was all gone.
Chapter Eight: Get the Hell Out of Dodge
AN: Heeuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagh. Forcing this one out to please my legionsdozens of fans. Sorry for the absence, can't promise it won't happen again. @~\*~@ The past day had been spent packing, for Ethan...
The Nine Knights of Creation: Research Notes: Allies
Over the time that the Knights fought across the Omniverse, helping other races and realms escape their doom, they made some allies, five to be precise. From the realm of Elders, where Elder-Gods reign over all and the existence of any greater power...
The Nine Knights of Creation: Chapter 3: New Blood
The centre of the Omniverse is a marble building with basalt details. It's held together with magic, given by the Knights. In this immortal chamber, the Knights decide what should happen to Creation, and whether or not to allow a Great Act; whether to...
The Nine Knights of Creation: Research Notes: Angels
The Angels are a race made of pure Light, made by the Knight of Light, much like the Shadow Khan; they were made to help guard the realms. Angels have populated many realms of the Knights, and the Knight of Darkness's wife is an Angel, who is one of...
The Nine Knights of Creation: Chapter 2: Reign of Chaos
Over a century later, in the mortal year of 1944, the Nazi party of Germany has been experimenting with inter-dimensional travel, and an expedition has found their way into the Dark Realm. The Knight of Darkness was not pleased, and so proceeded to...
The Nine Knights of Creation: Chapter 1: Shadow
Shadow was born one thousand, seven hundred years ago. As he is one of the first Shadow Khan, he is one of the realms true Immortals. When he was created, Shadow had instant knowledge of the darkness itself, a gift from the Fallen, his father. Along...
The Nine Knights of Creation: Research Notes: Shadows
The Knight of Darkness made a race known as The Shadow Khan. They are his people, a race of humanoid people made of pure darkness and shadow. At birth, they have a tail, but to single out the true warriors from the weak, the changes can be noticed when...
The Nine Knights of Creation: Prologue
In the beginning there was nothing not even Physics until The-Lord-of-Chaos made himself and with him The-Sea-of-Chaos, thousands of years after the creation of Chaos The-Lord-of-Creation made himself and with him Order and Physics. When the first bit...