Tina's Story Chapter 31 The Lunch Hour

Sorry I haven't been around for a few days. The good news for Tina fans....soon you'll get a chance to see what Tina looks like! i've finally comissioned a pic from one of her more popular episodes, so you'll get to see what she really looks like....As...

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Tina's Story Chapter 30 I beg your forgiveness II

Colleen the Irish Setter human hybrid is having dinner with Sean. Sean is the "mystery man" from her long ago past. After an intense romance, Sean just vanishes, never to be seen again. Not, at least until twenty five years later, when Colleen turns...

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Tina's Story Chapter 29 I beg your forgiveness I

Tina and Ray deplane at the city airport. The city is as cold and grey as Nassau was green and lush. They drag their way through the terminal, find their luggage, then shlepp to the car. Ray's aging Golf gets underway, with the last life the battery...

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Tina's Story Chapter 28 A little this, a little that.....

It is now the morning after, Ray and Tina waking up in ther big splendid bed...... "YAWNNNNNNNNNNN!, Morning, Hon...."Tina leans over, and kisses Ray. "Oh, Morning, Kitten..." Ray responds, sleepily They are waking just as they fall asleep, in...

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Tina's Story Chapter 27 A Walk on the Beach

Rosa, KC, and Lydia are in the break room. KC is looking through a fashion magazine, when a deliveryman for Blossom's Flower shop comes in.... "That is soooooooo hot" Rosa proclaims, looking over KC's shoulder "Maybe....if you plan on standing on...

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Tina's Story Chapter 26 Guess who's back......

"Can I buy you a drink....coffee?" Sean's question hung in the air. Colleen knew full well what she ought to do. Sean Shamus O'Reilly was trouble, then and now. But Colleen knew just as surely that she needed....wanted?...to know what prompted his...

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Tina's Story Chapter 25 Three Stories

Tina is lounging outside their suite at the resort. The suite has a secluded area, which is hidden from the public. Taking advantage of that, Tina is lounging on a chaise, topless, her green polka dot bikini bottom untieed at the sides. It is a perfect...

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Tina's Story Chapter 24 I did, I do!

Wake up, sleepyhead! Ray awoke to Tina kneeling over him in nothing but panties and a camisole, hitting him with a pillow."Wake up! It's vacation time! Tina was excited. This was her first vacation ever. Her family were too poor for even the...

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Tina's Story Chapter 23 Of Men and Golf

Dr Goldstein sat in his darkened office. For days, sleep had eluded him. He was taken by surprise by the events of the other night, and had spent the last week coming to terms with it. His wife was still upset, and he hadn't spoken to Ray. As time...

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Tina's Story Chapter 22 The Parents

Sorry I haven't posted in a few days....I'm attending my very first con! It's taking some getting used to, as I am, for the most part, a 'closeted' fur. Made my first tennative steps into furdom today. Going back tomorrow....wish me luck! Ray and...

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Tina's Story Chapter 21 A Look To The Future

In the last chapter, Ray and Tina explore the erotic qualities of frozen deserts... Ray is asleep in the car. He had gotten up early, so that he could accompany Tina on her first visit to the OB/GYN. He got up, shaved, showered, dressed, and...

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Tina's Story Chapter 20 Ice Cream

Author's note: Here's a challenge for Tina fans. As you know, the story is located in "the city", which is never named. It IS however, based loosely on a real city. From the clues in the story can you guess the city that is the real life inspiration...

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