[Detective Thursdays] Day Off
Uki had the day off. But as she sat in her apartment watching the news report on the nights events she felt ill. Tanu had been so insistent that she go do what she wanted for the day, that they weren't going to work on cases. It struck her as odd then...
[Detective Thursdays] Egg on Your Face
Nine A.M. that morning found me, still a bit damp around the edges thanks to the rain, at Camela's on Fifth and Bay. I gave Uki the day off. I sat at the dinner's counter, a cup of deep red tea steaming in front of me. The dinner still looks like the...
[Detective Thursdays] The Roles We Play
'Hey boys~' Uki gushed as she walked towards the fox and the ferret. She looked a provocative mess; her jacket was mis-buttoned and conveniently showed a strap of her brazier as both hung loosely from her shoulder. Her fur was a shambles, some of it...
[Detective Thursdays] A Skeptic's Chance
It was the dark time of just after midnight on the morning of April Ninth and I was on my way to a sting. I'd been tipped off that the Russian mob was bringing in something big by ship down on the east side. There was a nagging in the back of my mind...
Blood Debts and Jelly Beans
_while the story is not furry per se, it does involve a vampiress crime lord, her garou protector, and her kitsune personal aide. i love these characters, and i'm trying to come up with more ideas for them, more stories to involve them with.
Identity: Chapter Ten
CHAPTER TEN CLAUDIA It was foggy again. Damn this fog, Claudia Wittmore thought, as she backed the Chevrolet SUV out of the carport. One week of vacation and two out of three days, all they got was murky grey clouds of it, blocking out the view...
Junk for Joy
#1 of furworld rough draft of chapter one of my story of gritty fur crime and addiction showcasing the horrors of an ill spent life and just how easy it is to fall into.
Zootopia: Dirty Hairy part 10
Zootopia DIRTY HAIRY By Dan 1966 Loosely based off of Clint Eastwood's Harry Callahan. (c) Zootopia. 2016 Walt Disney Productions (c) Dirty Harry 1971 Malpaso Productions (c) Fritz the Cat 1970 Ralph Bakshe All rights respected. Not for...
Murderer #3
"_GET OUT! GET OUT OF MY HOUSE RIGHT NOW!_" He screamed, and his vehemence caused her to shrink back in her chair. "L... like this?" she said, looking down at herself. The bartender howled. "Dammit, get your clothes on then and leave. I'll harbor no...
Chapter Six
#6 of crystal lake crime thriller following the citizens of the city of crystal lake, an island city on the diverse planet of terra. chapter six a car pulled up in the abandoned car-park just outside the south-west docks of crystal lake.
Jaybird, P1
#1 of jaybird jaybird is a short crime/drama themed story about two wolves in a dirty world. this story is based off a roleplay between myself and a friend.
Daylight Case File – Part 2
It makes sense to me to go to the latest scene. I tap in a few commands to the console to make sure the crews know to expect me. With that done I dress, throwing my greatcoat on over an anti-stab vest. My lapel is heavy with service and commendation...