Apocalypes Turtle
These chemicals are the governments big idea to rid us of the monsters that spawn in the dark.
Chapter 5 - Who's The Big Bad Wolf.... Errr.. Coyote?
# # Chapter 5 - Who's The Big Bad Wolf.... Errr.. Coyote? "So, do you think you're starting to get the hang of that form of yours?" I ask. We must have been at this for a couple of hours, trading blows, well. I say trading blows, he couldn't touch...
Chapter 5 - Who's The Big Bad Wolf.... Errr.. Coyote?
"So, do you think you're starting to get the hang of that form of yours?" I ask. We must have been at this for a couple of hours, trading blows, well. I say trading blows, he couldn't touch me, but the ones I'd thrown at him he'd pretty much just...
Alias' Adventure - Chapter 22
It's not far off right now as it is, but the thing is an abomination, there's no way this kind of thing should exist. is this the corruption that people kept talking about? the manifestation of the wyrm within people? a twisted disgusting creature?
The Deal
It was darkened as he walked across the halls. Though one room's light was on. Offender rolled his invisible eyes, wondering what his brother could possibly want at his feeding hour, and in such a spot as this abandoned warehouse...though it made...
Warm Up - 5
**Warm Up - 5** The rain hadn't stopped, nor the constant groaning. Many creatures of the living dead could not see past the setting fog. Nor could they. Of their original seven-man team, only three were left and one had...
Sacred Chapter 4: A Wielder Chosen
Standing, the lagomorph-like monster checked his surroundings. he was surprised to see the forest he had once been in had turn almost fully white. aside from the grass, everything from the trees to the sky had turned into an almost ethereal white.
Visiting a Friend
\>although this side of her was incredibly endearing, your frazzled mind took a moment to register the fear you should be feeling from the inexperienced monster pushing you into her bed \>however if anything, this fear mixed with the mounting arousal, further
Issue 03: The Bestiary
Although these gigantic sea monsters are rarely seen on the surface, there are many stories about deep-drawn ships and entire islands that have been depopulated by these monsters.
Chapter 11: The ugly chimera and the pack of wolves
We said together, as the wolf blaster fires at the 3 monsters destroying them.
Once Upon a Nightmare
The legs were digitigrade like a beast, though i find no suprise in this, for what was i observing if not the animate remains of some monster, some beast?
Heroes Posessed: Prologue
She lived on the edge of the forest the monsters lived in, and where they came from. everyone knew she used black magic to keep the monsters away from her home. she was not welcome in town, and never tried to come in in the memory of any living villager.