Lust or Destruction?

**I read a lot of things. And this thought just hit me.** **If I were ever to visit the Pokemon world while it's under an apocalypse, would I choose:** **A) An apocalypse where all the Pokemon revolt against humans and kill them.** **B) An...


Heroes Posessed: Prologue

I could do nothing but lie in the mud and blood, the town burning around me. i could faintly hear the screams of the other villagers, but they were not registering properly.

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Lion King : Pride United part 7

blood was every where and he scared me. if he gets worked up will he kill me.... end of part 7 please comment and see what happends

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Laugh of a Child

The truck slammed into the six-year old, leaving a spatter of blood on the hood. joshua's limp body skittered across the concrete, leaving trails of crimson every where the body touched ground.

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Lion King : Chapter ll Family extended part 3

This is a little more bloody than most of the parts we left off at zian and karo falling at the same time. in the fight zone (nala and kiara awaken)jewel where are you.(simba awakens)damn that lion has a paw.

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Terre Perdue, Kapitel III -- Strohmann aus Stahl

Kapitel III -- Strohmann aus Stahl Als er wieder erwachte, konnte er zunächst kaum etwas sehen, da er nach wie vor benommen war. Alles um ihn herum wirkte verschwommen und er ächzte ein paar Mal, bevor er die noch etwas undeutliche Gestalt des...

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What a fine day

The excess on one bleeding hip.

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Blood Rose-3

#3 of blood rose getting a bit darker but not as dark as it will get.

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Terre Perdue, Kapitel IV, Bittere Vergangenheit

[Kapitel I -- Terre Perdue](%5C) [Kapitel II -- Unbekannter Held](%5C) [Kapitel III -- Strohmann aus Stahl](%5C) Kapitel IV -- Bittere Vergangenheit Rayo tat einen Schritt zurück, er wollte so tun als ob er nach hinten ging, weil er Angst hatte. In...

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Terre Perdue, Kapitel II – Unbekannter Held

[Kapitel I ---- Bedrängnis](%5C) Kapitel II ---- Unbekannter Held Es vergingen nur wenige Tage und der Hellgraue versuchte erneut, in das Betongebäude des unbekannten Herrschers einzudringen. Er hatte immer wieder eine Idee, wie er das anstellen...

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Bloodied Earth

Your blood taints the earth, and it knows who you are. your fate is deserved."_ he shook his head slowly, clutching the wounds in his chest. " country."

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These Bloody Paws

Trying to remember the foggy past bloody blurs and war was what he knew. he looked over at the bones that used to be his mate. they now lay dusty and forgotten, just like him.

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