Kalderan Forest Part 3

They walked around strange plants, falroth keeping him away from a few, pointing out only one plant that could be dangerous to them, and a couple that would help bring them to orgasm rather pleasantly, if they didn't have the need to hurry to the next safe

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A Yearning for the Burning Sun

A Yearning for the Burning Sun By: Nenekiri Bookwyrm It's an exquisite day outside and you're stuck in your office staring at the same two screens you look at every day. The weather normally doesn't bother you this much, but it felt particularly...

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Feeding Bob...

Floral perfume filled the air and all the usual plants had their lures and sensory tendrils out looking for prey. dain knew the garden path was planned with care to allow visitors to view the plants without the plants eating them.

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The Garden

He circles the plant and keeps thinking to himself as he turns and sees another plant rooted several feet away. he walks toward the other flower and it blues a light blue colour from the head and the lower regions.

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Nightshade Captures a Coyote

"the line between plants and animals has been blurred in the past, before. we have the common thread of being alive, and where we take from plants, we _rarely_ give back to them.

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Another Dip [Patron Reward]

A hunch snuck up on sascha, and she followed that hunch as she followed the plant pokemon into the alley. "hello?" she called out, and the pitcher-plant wheeled around. it looked startled, nervous and sort of deflated.

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Garden Variety Not Included

As well as having the plant equivalent of female parts, a rather large plant equivalent to male biology emerged.

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Cursory Encounter

The more active of the carnivorous plants waking up to feed.

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Isotex: The Wave of the Future

Through controlled bioelectric shock and symbiosis with the host's cns, isotex slowly brings the subject to a state of near-orgasm until they have reached the plant's required amount of movement.

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Artifacts, Chapter 8, The Moon Flower, Chapter 1

A simple; almost mindless, plant? a slowly growing, always hungry, carnivorous plant!! some plants lived hundreds of years, god what a horrible thought!

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Natural Wonder: Chapter 1, Fact or Fiction

Mostly plant." the bird nodded, considering this and looking essrayle over a bit more. "forgive me if i offend but...are you a man, or a woman?" now essy couldn't help bit give a rather girlish giggle, "neither."

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The Alchemist's Guide to Halmloore

Lumos - a vine-like plant with many small flowers, between 3-4". the flower glow brightly, in many fantastic translucent colors. often revered for their beauty and highly valuable.

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