Fates of the Unicorns 44 - Nella
Maybe it wasn't so bad to show him a little respect. like when someone she fought hit back... she respected them a bit more.
Cry of the Rose: Book 1 : Chapter 6
I want to somehow respect who i am again" he said finally meeting the black wolfs gaze with his own. "right now i don't know who to respect or why i'm doing what i do. it just is..." "it just is....?"
Winter's Warmth
She wished for respect from others above all, however, and the only way to gain such respect was to own symbols of power and glory.
Fitting in, in Hobarrow.
Now that i have her back, i will treat her with as much love and respect as i can muster!" the marmoset looked up at his much taller companion and grinned. when he spoke, it was with deep respect.
My letter
I'm polish, i respect the people who respect me in the same way i respect them. but i'm only half polish. i've been to go back to my own country which they think is polish when it is really england. they don't understand the concept the birthplace.
Her First Mate
A fate, as she puts it, more "merciful" than having to go back to the people who never showed her the respect and care she can only give.
The Book of Sins, Chapter 1. Passion and Violence
We respect strength, we respect violence and we despise restraint and cowardice. restraint... restraint is hesitation.
Transformation at Hogwarts: Part 13
"because you were unable to respect one of your lovers, you shall be punished. we will give you a choice. blink once for the first choice, and blink twice for the second.
Substar Preview: About Zanduchi
However, the church also respects the beliefs of other gods, and will do their utmost to uphold those rites when possible. funerals are held in honor of the fallen's patron deity, and bodies are treated with the respect of their beliefs.
Amorous Aliases
They both screamed in unison, both mare's respective bodies writhing uncontrollably as they arched their backs.
Mission: Resurrection Part one - Chapter one
"with all due respect, i don't think that's necessary sir.
Vari Points of View and Mindset - Beta
As one gets to know the vari more, he will earn more respect and if he chosen to follow the vari way of culture it will only expedite his progress.