DDD Day 12 Tulip and Snow's Micro Castration
Do you want me to end your pitiful little cockless life right here, your last sight being my eyes as you suffocate to death on my desk~?
Yet to be named.
The pain that had etched itself onto his heart, sorrow taking his soul in every step, and suffocated his hope until it was nothing more than a faded dream. he had been chained to his misery, tearing him away him from hope.
Aras (M/M)
Perhaps wanting to suffocate oneself was not rational in the overall sense, but michael was a more specific case. "that's not really why i'm calling.
"The Wild King", chapter 6
I figured, surely, it would begin to suffocate soon. "keep swallowing. stop thinking about it." king would order me, and i did my best to obey.
Ch6 Change
I thought you could control-" jade tried to say before a similar cuff locked around his neck, just barely loose enough to not to cause him to suffocate.
If the other soldiers didn't find him soon then he would suffocate, the air bubble only had a certain amount of oxygen in it, and already it was becoming difficult to breathe. "wynter!"
Preview of REBIRTH
The deaths of the humans varied, some were boiled, and others were burnt to ash, while the ones hiding behind the boxes of alcohol caught on fire and suffocated from the smoke and fumes.
Mulan vs Hong Kong
But when he finished mulan had suffocated to death on panda's penis! "curse you the panda!" said the jade emperor chinese daddly and he casted a spell that made panda's balls grow with teratomas of po's face.
Sexy Time 7 - Cave Fun
I felt my vagina rapidly contract, while ryoko's vagina felt as though it was attempting to suffocate my fingers. while doing so, we squirted all over the ground, causing our vaginal juices to cover the ground around us.
The Stray Cat, Ch. 1
I coughed as my lungs refused to take in any air, and i felt like i was going to suffocate. more kicks started raining down from above, landing on every part of my body and slamming my head into the concrete.
In Deep
He held his breath, afraid if he let go he might suffocate. as the dark closed in around him, micah released a gasp, realizing he could breathe. the fibers stroked over his softening prick, "oh fuck!"
The dampness of the whole atmosphere forsakes a heavy scent of mustiness, one that fills your lungs and suffocates without warning.