Under Mommy's Wing
Meeting with your parents at college wasn't meant to be awkward, but somehow, it always seemed to turn out that way. To have a family that loved you enough to come visit you at the university from time to time was a blessing to say the least, and even...
Midnight Wings [CM]
He wrapped his blue wings around her back, pulling her close as he fucked her a little faster at a more moderate pace, letting out soft hums.
Illian: Wings of Blood
Kye quickly did this, giving the fox no time to defend herself, causing her to give a loud scream, one that was muffled by kye's wings.
Angel with black wings
Chapter: 1 Dance of the Devil I'm falling. Falling into a dark abyss of lost souls where light is devoured by the shadows. My life felted short from the begining and yet I don't seem to care about any thing but my other.Any questions that have no...
Wings of the Warrior: 25
#26 of wings of the warrior it has been a while. i think it was time i started back up with this! floor sixty came up and sam stepped out quickly. she saw fren along with a badger man, red lizard man, and elven woman standing by a set of doors.
Wings - Kreet 81
Of course, hiding night's wings couldn't work for long. once he had begun walking on two legs, when unencumbered he began to use the wings for balance.
Unfolding Her Wings
The wings blocked a clear view before, but by turning around and with the aid of the mirror she confirmed the tail above her butt was that of a fox.
Fly on New Wings
His other wing presses to his side too, or so i think i see as i stand up and turn to him. i kneel before him, and the wing that was holding mine grabs the remote to turn down the volume.
Dragconius, Wings Of Darkness
Luna slithered into the courtyard of the palace where she had been requested. She didn't know who would summon her, a commoner to such a place of high honor, but she still left immediately upon receiving her summons and now she had arrived. It was only...
Wings of the Warrior: 23
The ability to get to this place was few and far between unless you were close or had wings. sam at least had the benefit of wings and got there in just a few minutes, touching down outside the entrance and walking in.
Wings of the Warrior: 22
#23 of wings of the warrior the next chapter! if anyone has questions, comments, feedback, feel free to leave some at the end! even go back to a chapter you had a question on and drop it there!
Wings of the Warrior: 21
#22 of wings of the warrior don't forget to leave comments or questions! i will explain things that aren't spoilers! wandering around deep space was interesting.