Master of Aura Chapter One.
"you have spirit, a lot of energy, and the heart of a true fighting type pokemon. you just needed that lift and boost in confidence to get going."
Commissioned Work: Advanced Uses for Possession
Luckily for the gengar, with both fighting-types in the state that they were in, he was able to quickly tumble, and phase through the nearest wall, and remain out of sight.
Ace's biography
- immune to fairy type, resistant bug and ground types but vulnerable to fighting-type. - has the illusion's ability, inherited from his father. - his electric attacks are effective to ground types.
Ch 4
"fuck," i thought to myself, "i don't have any pokémon that can be useful against fighting types." i looked over at ray and shadow who looked hyped for the next gym. "well maybe shadow, fighting types can't hurt him."
Happy Valentine's Day Mienshao!
Derick groaned as he felt the fighting type hold him close. her pussy tightened around his cock and sucked him in making him plunge deeper into her slender body.
Talking by the Campfire
He stood aside, the tall fighting type holding out his paws as if gesturing someone to pass. down below standing barely at his thighs was a small brown furred quadruped. "you know lucario... we could have just crossed the slope..."
The Human Species Ch. 56 - Docile Shrub Whimsicott
The strong fighting-type looked at him, and then at mew. his expression never changed, and he never said a word. even so, both zoroark and lucario could not help but look at him with surprise.
ch 7 a rival for ruby?
Ash asked, "but i thought fighting type pokemon never get tired." ruby yelled, "well, you go beyond fighting type if you ask me!" suddenly, there was a murmur from ash's stomach. "uh oh. hey, brock. think you could whip up some grub for us?"
The Human Species Ch.108 - Many Unruly Mankey
Zerobi pleaded, giving up on the notion of whispering as the situation was turning desperate, "these are all fighting-types! if you're looking to start a melee, i won't last a minute!"
Pokemon - To Catch Them All - Ilex Forest
Heracross the single horn pokemon a bug and fighting type. its powerful legs and horns give it enough power to hurl foes over great distances."
Shadows of Kalos: Chp 2
We're only allowed to catch and use fighting-types. not only did i catch a non-fighting-type, but she'll evolve into a psychic type one day. i still hear about it." "so the boss-mom is real pleased to see somethin' like me runnin' 'round, huh?"
Chapter 7; Enter the Axel
The large fighting type raised its fist to swing at jonko, but my trainer delivered a barrage of jabs at its stomach, making it back up. "flo on my back and launch another night daze!"