Tina's Story Chapter 19 Starting a New Life

In our last chapter, Tina had quite a day. Not only does she find that she is pregnant, as her friends thought, but she has to inform Ray, who asks her to marry him. She gladly agrees, and they spend the night at Tina's apartment. Tina gets up...

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Tina's Story Chapter 18 The Blessing

It was a beautiful Fall morning, and everyone in Tina's office got in early. As usual, they began the day in the break room. KC was at the table, reading a copy of Vogue, Rosa was talking to Tina, and Lydia was making coffee, hoping to fully wake up....

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Tina's Story Chapter 17 Almost Heaven, almost Hell

Another evening in the city. Ray and Tina are at her apartment, as they are almost every night. Tina's little apartment has a tiny terrace. On that terrace, Tina has a large hammock. The hammock takes up the entire little terrace. Still, Tina loves it...

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Tina's Story Chapter 16 KC's Surprise

In Chapter 15, Ray and Tina are spending a quiet night at home, when passion takes control. Tina invites Ray to explore a side of her that no one has seen before....much less entered! KC, on the other hand, has hit a dry spell lately. Used to the...

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Tina's Story Chapter 15 A Sleeping Kitty

In the last chapter, Tina accidentally reveals her insecurities over being flat chested. KC offers sympathy, and reccomends a doctor. She has the procedure, and id delighted with her new little breasts It is evening, after work, at Tina's...

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Tina's Story Chapter 14 Tina gets the girls

In the last chapter, Tina gets some drive time, taking a trip to the country. While there, Tina falls into the water, then pulls Ray in. When they go to dry off and warm up, Tina gets frisky.... It's another day at the DMV. Ray is off at a...

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Tina's Story Chapter 13 Naked at the Falls

In Chapter 12, Tina announces that Ray has declared his love for her, and that she is learning to drive. Colleen, troubled by recent events, seeks profesional help. The therapist gets right to the heart of the issue, but is Colleen prepared for the...

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Tina's Story Chapter 12 Understanding Myself

In Chapter11, Ray and Tina think about the events of the day, and think longingly of each other. Meantime, Colleen has a liason with 'the man'. He is a fifty something Cali entertainment type, who showers her with gifts, after which, Colleen showers...

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Tina's Story Chapter 11 The Man

In the last chapter, Ray and tina spend the last weekend for a while at Ray's parents estate. Sitting by the pool, the couple talk of their hopes and dreams. Both express interest in a lifetime with a special someone. Tina also expresses a long held...

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Tina's Story Chapter 10 Dreams and Fantasies

In Chapter 9, Tina asks to see where he lives. In time, Ray relents, and shows Tina the estate where he lives with his family. Knowing how simply Ray lives, Tina is surprised by his family's wealth. She also learns that they are Jewish, and Tina's...

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Tina's Story Chapter 9 -Secrets

In the last chapter, Tina is in an unusually good mood after a romantic weekend of first sex. Things are not going so well for KC. Colleen is sitting at home, when a bruised and battered KC shows up on her doorstep. After cleaning her up and getting...

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Tina's Story Chapter 8 the Night Visitor

In the last Chapter, Tina and Ray share their first day after their first sexual experience. they have a nice day out, with brunch and tennis, then call it an early day. Cleaning up, the soiled sheets cause Tina to relive memories of this special...

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