Her arms bloody, she hung from the wall her body covered in welts. She was unconscious and it was probably for the best. A large beast stood circling her in self satisfaction. One week earlier. "Soul? You will be back right?" she asked looking up at...

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Slam - Chapter 1: Liquid Gold

This is my first story, so please don't yell at me, if you find something wrong, tell me, but don't just write "LOL rofl gay fag n00b, joo are teh suxorz! I hate joo! Ur story iz shiz, I hope u di3 in teh fire!" This isn't counter-strike! Tell me...

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This is a short transformation story written in the Island of Dr. Moreau universe. A shorter piece of this story has was posted as part of a character contest submission for the island of dr. moreau roleplaying thread on Gaia online. I would like...

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The Beloved Pet Ch4

After spending some time at the pet shop, the protagonist is finally sold. Posted to DA on 6/20/08 Posted to FA on 5/28/09 \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* "Sold" One day a particular "customer," who looked much like...

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The Beloved Pet Ch3

The Lonely and so far nameless protagonist finds a kindred spirit. Posted to DA on 6/13/08 Posted to FA on 5/28/09 \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* "Misery Lacks Company" As time passed, I observed the occurrences...

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Slave Pacification (2)

Doulos Laboratories, meeting room There were twelve men of various species, all of them were neatly dressed in the standard company security uniforms. Their attention was caught by the panthress who stood at the head of the table. Because of the...

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Chapter X, Chained

Chapter X, Chained Marcus felt them stare at him... he could feel what he could only describe as 'Beastfolk' stare at them as they passed. But who could not stare at the sight; A Mysterious traveler clocked from head too toe, and a fox......

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Pt. 2 Gift Horse

'he turned out rather nicely' he thought as he studied cade's face, while his captive attempted to force eye contact. cade wanted nothing more than to make it known that he was pissed.

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Justice for the Monster (WIP)

**Please see my submissions for the completed first chapter. This version is now outdated.** "Name: Dr. Volodymir Ronnovich Velichkov. Time: 0745... I'm starting a bit early today. Project: Nexus... I will begin my tests... now. The first test is in...

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Out Of Time - Book 1: The Witch - Chapter 3: Trapped

Her clothing and belt where taken by her captives. at the moment, she lay completely bare in the middle of the room. there was no telling how long she had been here, but she knew she wasn't the first one to have been here.

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The Overlooked

Ten years in captivity and i'm still in better shape than the best stock they bring in. lean, trim, flexible...and bored out of my skull! it doesn't even look as if my grey muzzle has lowered my chances of getting sold at all, either.

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Axels Awakening: Part 2 Lana

Then the memories all came flooding back as she held the stranger; * * * five days ago: she was being held captive in a fortress of some kind. how she got there she didn't know, what she did know was that she heard talk that scared her.

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