Chapter Four - Electra Confronts Her Enemy
"yes dallas." everyone said as they scattered out into the tunnels. "no defenders..." electra said as they frowned. "they all rely on you..."
Die Uhr aus dem All.docx
dallas meinte nun das wie unsterblich währen aber so sicher war ich mir da nicht bis dallas was machte was mich überzeugte.
Chapter 5 (Jo)
"besides, dallas just told wendell what happened. it was an accident and riley's getting a new test." "oh and this is coming from the guy who just said dallas was lying." i say. "enough!" riley shouts. he sits up in bed.
Chapter 3 (Todd/Mike)
"hi dallas." dallas is the principal for the elementary school. he's a golden retriever that is half buff and half fat. he was the one who recommended that riley skip a grade and then skip another grade. he calls us frequently to ask about riley.
Chapter Nine - Ratted Out
"come on dallas." "okay."
Chapter Thirteen - Stryder's Downfall
"you scared me dallas! i thought you'd hurt yourself somehow!" i hugged her back, my tail wagging. "no, i'm alright. i just forgot to breathe." "dallas that's silly." electra giggled as she wagged her tail.
Chapter Eleven - A Shocking Discovery
I'm dallas..." the female stuck out her paw. "my name is starlight, nice to meet you dallas. i smiled. "nice to meet you too. you seem nice. do you have a mate by any chance?" giggling, she shook my paw.
In The Doghouse: Chapter Twelve
dallas muttered with a roll of his eyes. jeffrey spluttered into his beer and doubled over laughing while it dribbled out of his nose. dallas joined him with a low, throaty chuckle.
Kari ed il suo Pokemon (ITALIAN)
Lentamente kari chiuse il libro, si alzò dalla scrivania e avvicinatasi alla parete col calendario, segnò con un pennello la data della prossima luna piena.
Chapter Fifteen - A Cat Among Mice
"oh come on dallas." cammy laughed. "you should know why, you're a cat. aren't you supposed to like boxes too?" "ooh dallas likes boxes! come on sit in the box with me!" zeke said as he scooted all the way to the right.
Chapter Nine - A Day In The Woods
"hello strike, my name is dallas." i said as i turned sideways and interlocked my tail with his. it had taken me a long time before i figured out how to use my tail. "newcomers..." he said, sounding very strong and mighty.
Il giovane vide per la prima volta la vagina di bayleef che, nascosta dalla coda, non permetteva sguardi indiscreti.