This is a dangerous place for prey to be." ellie eyed the cat warily. if she went with him, there would be no escape.
Southern Free Agents, Ch 6
Here: the southern free agents is a story that takes place in a sparsely populated archipelago in which the populace gather together in varied city states in order to find safety and protection from the vast array of dangerous
Tik Tik in the Desert - An Oasis Reprieve
Tik Tik's moment of resolve ends with a yelp and a splash. Beside her, Asuka falls into the water, furiously splashing and tugging at the chain. Tik Tik squeals, falling in herself, submerged entirely into the crystal clear water of the pool,...
Ding-Dong Pt. 1
Ding-Dong Ding-Dong Dong...Dong...Dong...Dong...Dong...Dong...Dong Jasper sprung up in bed fear ebbing from his blue rabbit eyes. His soft brown fur matted from a cold sweat. It was only a nightmare, he thought to himself still sitting in his...
The Lead Crown: Ch 1c, Steam-Punked (pt 5)
Alarice interrupted him, "we're all in danger, gentlemen... do please try to remember this, and act accordingly." "alvis already pissed himself once today... isn't that good enough?" roland spoke from his place over joshew's shoulder.
Sunshine Days - Chapter 9
It briefly seemed that jonathan was safe from danger but he wasn't quite out of the woods yet.
The Lead Crown: Ch 6a, A World Apart (Pt 4)
Tranquil Waters: The Lead Crown Ch 6.4, A World Apart Julius awoke in a sweat, his tongue panting out of the corner of his muzzle as he bolted upright. Everything had been so sharp-- so vivid; it took several seconds for him to realize that he was...
The Story of Aarya
Swiftly, but cautiously she continued deep into the hills, far past the safety of her town, and undoubtedly into certain danger. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The Secret War- Part One
Note: I've been away for a while. I thank those who "watched" me, and who want more of my...
Baze and the Nixie 1
It had been a normal hunt for the ranger, seeking out dangerous animals and making her way around the game trails, hunting any intruders who would disrupt the natural order.
Welcome to the Danger Zone
He said, "this entire country has become a danger zone."
Dangerous Dynamo #5
He could only hope that putting it on wasn't going to put them all into even further danger.