Dragon Ranch: Driving Miss Nixi (with art!)

And all the while nixi wore a devious expression as she stared right back at him. despite the situation, kyle couldn't help but smile a bit. nixi too busy being... well, her usual self. "nixi..." kyle trailed off.

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A Dragon in Suburbia

nixi's personality in many situations._ _~i have so many ideas for kyle and nixi adventures....

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A Dragon In Suburbia, Part 2: Nixi's Favorite Toy

nixi, no. no!" nixi was used to kyle telling her no, and the dragon was also used to ignoring him for it. with a playful growl, the dragon wormed her body between kyle and the toilet.

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A Dragon in Suburbia, part 5: Accepted Apologies

nixi was panting hard, eyes tightly shut in concentration as pleasure overcame her.

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Dragon Ranch: Caught in the Act

"nixi!? what the-?" at the sound of his voice, nixi quickly backed up in an attempt to leave.

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Dragon Ranch: Saying Goodbye

And suddenly, nixi's left paw shot out and pinned his wrist, causing kyle to laugh. he tried to pull back but nixi held on, gripping him with her claws.

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A Dragon In Suburbia, Part 3: Showertime Shenanigans

Playfully, nixi nipped and nibbled his hand with a trill. kyle glanced at the clock on the bedstand, next to the reading lamp nixi's tail had almost knocked over.

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Dragon Ranch: Three's a Crowd

Kyle dropped his hands in exasperation, and nixi looked back at him with a glare. "nixi, come on.... my arms are too tired to do this much longer." nixi only huffed loudly in response.

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A Dragon in Suburbia, Part 4: Dragons at Dinnertime.

And there in the center of the kitchen was nixi, happily licking and nibbling at the half-burned beef that was still stuck to the bottom of the skillet. "nixi!" kyle shouted in horror. the yellowtail froze and looked up. "nixi, what the hell?"

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Dragon Ranch: Unexpected Circumstances

nixi then suddenly retreated her tongue back into her mouth. iris looked back imploringly, but nixi gave out a warble and several chirps. iris then warbled back. she got up and waited as nixi plopped to the ground and rolled onto her side.

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Dragon Ranch: Character Bios

Iris: besides nixi, iris is the only other female yellowtail garl on the ranch. like nixi, iris is stubborn and dominant, and chooses her mates.

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Dragon Ranch: Epilogue

nixi was a potentially dangerous, exotic animal, not a domesticated pet.... "so are you going to keep the search up tomorrow?" kyle asked. "mm, probably not. nixi's a smart little girl.

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