MAALUM: Chapter 4 – From Evil To Good
View/1604470 caphter 2 - not one of us: chapter 3 - from jackal to lion: chapter 4 - from evil to good (slight nsfw): chapter 5 - love is pain (sfw
What a Bad Dream
The ending bit was meant to toy with the client's friends upon request - story is purely sfw with light nsfw mention.
[SFW] Squirrelly Days #011 - Teran
#12 of squirrely days [sfw] [slice-of-life] [alt romance] [none traditional fantasy] squirrelly days is a slice of fantasy life written for and dedicated to people who wished more books let them use their imagination more and painted with prose less.
A Second Chance
An sfw story set in my resonance universe? what madness is this, and what do you think? "thirty-five thousand!?"
[SFW] Squirrely Days #007 - Vivica
[sfw] [slice-of-life] [alt romance] [none traditional fantasy] squirrelly days is a slice of fantasy life written for and dedicated to people who wished more books let them use their imagination more and painted with prose less.
Don't Ever Get On Luna Lovegood's Bad Side (Warning: Extreme Gore)
If you are under the age of 18 please return to the main sfw page, this is not for you. ** hey all, it's been a very long time since i last posted but i am back at least one last time, possibly even longer.
To Know When to Fold 'em
Yes, i write sfw stuff too. enjoy! flick sat at his armchair in the study reading a manual of some description, the room's enormous bookcases ran the entire length of one of the walls in the room and reaching to the ceiling like a grand library.
To Know When to Fold ‘em
Yes, i write sfw stuff too. enjoy! flick sat at his armchair in the study reading a manual of some description, the room's enormous bookcases ran the entire length of one of the walls in the room and reaching to the ceiling like a grand library.
Chapter 1: The Reaper's Weakness
I think it's the first sfw thing i've posted online in a long time. anyway, i sort of became obsessed with the story and mainlined the manga in just a few days because i enjoyed it so much. this story is the result, staring a couple that i really enjoy.
Beatrice Santello (Ch 11) - Missing/Epilogue
I collected a bunch of sfw bea pictures and forgot where i got them from. update: much thanks to guardhound for identifying the artist here! it's by balderdashdesigns - here's a link to their fa page!
Goodbye [CDIFF] Clan...
These past few months have been slow for my old clan on World Of Tank Blitz i was Exclusive Officer in However Now I'll be Creating A brand new Clan that me and a few other friends of mine from the old clan that left with me as well are working on a 4...
the end of CMC
Sorry for these sfw story's there'll be nsfw ones soon it was a nice day at the cmc clubhouse, the three fillies where talking about how to get there cutiemarks.