"Ah, I love the smell of the Holidays," Mongrel chuckled, as the hogboar bustled around his kitchen busily. The scent of cooking food was thick in the air, seasonings, garlic, sage, and the sweet scents of baking pies all wafted about the hog as he...
Anal, Barrow, Boar, Castration, Christmas, Cooking, Cooking prep, Food, Hog, Male, Mm, OVEN, Penectomy, Pig, Vore prep, dinner, eating, genital, ham, play, roast, stuffing
Making sure that the workers that went about cleaning, cooking, prepping, etc. that not to expect him for sometime as he had a meeting and some plotting to consider.
Bestiality, Impregnation, M/F, M/M, Mew
cook-prep. he could get that done while she was gardening, and when he was done with that, he could move on to the out-of-house stuff.
Boobs, Breast Play, Cum, Cunnilingus, Extreme Sweat, Foot Fetish, Incest, Lactation, M/F, Mother/Son, Musk, Oral, Orgasm, Sweat, Teasing, Vaginal
I had only one thing on my mind: cook, prep, cook, prep.
again, again, again.
Against All Odds Universe, Badger, Corben, Gecko, Macro, Micro, Size Difference, Slice of Life, Tirrell