Apples and Trees

Tall skyscrapers rushed by and out of sight. The concrete jungle which the two rottweilers were accustomed to crumbled away in the rear-view mirror. Even the gloomy yet comfortingly familiar clouds seemed to prefer the metropolis as a fresh shade of...

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Straight Daddy Blackmail

rottweiler read me like an open book while my friend jake had no idea what was going on.

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My mistake

A blush even started to form across his face, making that large, sexy, daddy rottie look rather cute.

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Swapping sons

It was a picture of aaron, who was smiling and doing a peace sign at the camera, the entire cock of the daddy rottweiler inside his muzzle, knot included. "that fucking mutt..."

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The daddy rottweiler arched his back extricating his bulky frame from the cheap camp chair. he tossed the butt of his cigar into the campfire. the dregs of his bourbon, mostly melted ice sizzled after it.

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My Great Big Brother - Where Wolves Dare

It's like i'm living in some demented sixth grader's drawing he scribbled on the back of a math test he knew he was gonna bomb, so he made better use of his time doodling pictures of him feeding his teacher to his abusive father's rottweiler!"

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