Magik & Myth: Falling of the Dusk: Blood Dawn (Chpt 2)

Sorry it took so long, but I tried to upload this chapter 3 times and SoFurry had a seizure each time. So let's try again! (^\_^) ~ Enjoy ~ HDE ~~~~~~~ Chapter 2 - The Face Behind the Ash She could barely open her eyes. She'd...

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Magik & Myth: Falling of the Dusk: (Chpt 4)

It's a small chapter, but brings in an important character, and mentions another. Have fun! \<(^\_^\<)\<(^\_^)\>(\>^\_^)\> ~~~~~ Chapter 4 - Between Solitude & Love "SNAP!" said the piece of wood. Well, it didn't so much say it, as do it, but...

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Magik & Myth; Falling of the Dusk: Blood Dawn (Chpt 5)

Here's Blood Dawn's next installment, and therefore, as mentioned, I have finished editing what I've written so far. Of course that just means I'll be pouring over this for quite some time, but there may be a lag until Chapter 6 is posted, as...

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Magik & Myth: Falling of the Dusk: Blood Dawn (Chpt 3)

It took some time, as I'd lost my internet connection for a while there, but here's Blood Dawn's third chapter. Enjoy. (^\_^) ~~~~~~~~ Chapter 3 - I Can Hear Drums... The night wore on steadily, and Halo eventually parted ways with...

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Magik & Myth; Falling of the Dusk; Blood Dawn (Chapter 1)

Here we go, this is the re-written Chapter One of the "Emerald Ages" I started ages ago. So, enjoy the read, and let me know what you think! * * * Chapter 1 - An End The sound of clashing metal rang out through the Valley...

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Magik & Myth: Falling of the Dusk: Blood Dawn (Chpt 6)

Sorry abou the delay, but I've been having quite a tiem of it, lately, just life & the like getting in the ay of digging my claws more into this story. I'm still ahead of where I posted, so here's another Chapter just for giggles. Enjoy. (^\_^) ...

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