Hic Sunt Dracones
_The second part of a collaboration between myself and [Sam Gwosdz](http://www.furaffinity.net/user/sam-gwosdz). The crew of Space Shuttle_ Horizon _face a new day and begin to realize just how far off the map they are and how deep down the rabbit hole...
What A Way To Come To California
Following the apollo-soyuz test project, the nations of the world had established the international space agency to coordinate large multinational projects in orbit.
Monachopsis; Part 2
#2 of asantrea the adventures of our intrepid space dragon, captain rohanna de rosa of the asantrean international space agency, continue.
Bearly Decent
Easy enough to assume that where the asantrean international space agency was involved, 'typical' days were most people's idea of a mind-bending adventure.
Two hundred years in the future, and rohanna de rosa (yes, a descendent of the rohanna i've mentioned in other stories, and of nahia too) is a shuttle pilot for the asantrean international space agency. a very skilled pilot.
Good Morning, Sunshine!
Nasa had gone with so-called "suitports" on the vehicle, and the international space agency had carried on with the idea given how terrible lunar dust was for someone's lungs.