The female cougar slowly padded back to her den, an unconscious persian cat dangling from her jaws with some saliva dripping from his feet to the ground below. So Reeko wasn't lying then, he'd actually managed to net her a lovely little kitty for...
Big Cat, Cougar, Digestion, Feral, Mountian Lion, Mouse, Snowbell, Stuart little, Vore (soft), housecat
I've always had a strong role model throughout my life and I'd be lost without her. My mother Calla has been my biggest supporter it was her that convinced me to get a medical degree. Though how I went about getting it was not what she had hoped for....
Blowjob, Breastplay, Check-up, Examination, Foreplay, Licking, M/F, Mountian Lion, Oral, Tit Fuck, Vaginal, Yiff, doctor's office, mix breed
"Greetings, friends I have a tale I wish to share with you, please have a seat. \*conjures a campfire with wave of her hand.\* My name is Varana, I'm one of many gods of the forest. The story I wish to share is about love, opposites and how they all...
Blowjob, Fondling, Foreplay, Fox, Heat, Kitsune, Licking, Love, Lust, M/F, Mountian Lion, Oral, Secret Forest, Story Request, Vaginal, Wolfess, desire
"sure, i geuss"
i jumped a little as part of the blanket was pulled aside, a pale, brown mountian lion looked down at me. he was wearing a docters white coat, and held a clipboard. "hello there. my name is dr.
Character Development, Cub, Horse, No-Yiff, Wolf
As soon as it stopped; a lean, muscluar mountian lion got out of the driver's side. lizzy was star srucked. to her, his features were like that of a god.
Anal, Cougar, M/F, Oral, Vaginal, Vixen