Run Like The Wind

Run like the Wind Written by Leo\_Todrius Thk, thk, thk... the sound of feet coming down in rapid succession onto the track was very much part of a runner's life, along with the beating of one's heart and the steady calculated breaths that verged...

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The Wizard's Tower 1e

His long, semi-bestial shaft swung, leaving a slash of excitement on the grass. grunting and snorting, oulders moved his legs.

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Pornstar's Pleasure

She stood again, looking down over her large, semi-bestial form. it looked more animal than human, but it had all the human parts and shapes that mattered; just looking over herself made starr's cock ache.

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Nice Rack

Buck winced and groaned with a semi bestial tone as the tiny antlers on his own head became considerably less tiny. two tines remained pointing forward but the rest bulked and continued to grow out into larger tines.

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Beware Unlicensed Mods

The last thing they saw before they tossed him over was his face pushing out into a muzzle as its tongue lengthened into a long tentacle and the huge bulge in his spandex underwear turning into a huge, semi-bestial cock.

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Reaper Angelsea Campaign: Episode 7

._ _"no offense, son, but no father wants to have watch their offspring make sweet, passionate, wild love to another person for half of the night in semi-bestial states. especially when you both make such a mess.

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My Dear Pantheress

Warning: the following has scenes of graphic sexual contact of a semi-zoophilia (sex with talking animals, think 'nala' from the lion king) nature. if you are (a) underage or (b) disgusted /angered by such content please leave now!!!

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My Dear Pantheress 3

Warning: the following story has scenes of graphic sexual contact of a semi-zoophilia nature (sex with talking animals, along the lines of 'nala' from the lion king). if you are (a) underage or (b) disgusted /angered by such content please leave now!!!

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My Dear Pantheress 2

1.595 (added kisu fanpic along with link to his webpage) warning: the following story has scenes of graphic sexual contact of a semi-zoophilia nature

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