Pj and Pete chapter 12

Best not to make tony tarn mad at you especially with what he now knew.

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Pj and Pete chapter 15

Irritated tony tarn sat sullenly in one of the small chairs located in the waiting room of his father's office, glaring across the way at pj d'caht who smiled sheepishly back at him. "you know what d'caht?" the older boy began in a slow growl.

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Pj and Pete chapter 10

Pj let out a small gasp when his eyes fell upon tony tarn. the young bull was only in a tight fitting jockstrap and was casually talking to billy and moose as he rummaged through his locker.

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Pj and Pete chapter 3

Pj turned away from moose to see the football quarterbacks' two lackeys, billy hedstrung and tony tarn glaring down at him. billy was a pudgy buffalo with a bushy goatee and a chipped horn whom was known for not being too bright. and roger, mr.

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Pj and Pete chapter 13

tony tarn said amusement dripping from his voice. "...this day just got a hellava lot better." "tony!?" pj squeaked. the bull put his arms over his chest and hummed in satisfaction. "and here i was thinking that you couldn't get any gayer."

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Pj and Pete chapter 21

Or at least that's what tony tarn kept talking about. "i'm telling you guys as soon as i step foot off the bus and onto that beach i'm going to find the prettiest girl and sweet talk her right up to my hotel room for some private time!"

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Story Commission: Mr. Brown X Mukiro (Kitt)

tony tarn said just as confused as orson was. "what's the catch?" "um, n-no catch." pj responded bashfully. "i just thought you'd like them." holding the package out again he waited for one of the other boys to take it. "they're chocolate chip."

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Pj and Pete: Missing Stories Chapter 1

Guess him and tony tarn back home weren't the only ones after all. "wow, guess i never really considered that what me and my dad do isn't that special." "awe i bet it's special son. just not as unique as you thought." bobby joe said softly.

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