MLP: Prelude pt 2

andromeda looked back to the little foal upon the table and smiled.


MLP: Prelude pt 3

Before they had found the foal, it was discovered that andromeda could not bear children. it devastated them both but more to andromeda. she was weeping all that day and into the next. "foods ready." night chuckled.


Project D.E: Chapter 1 Call of Duty

"you must be andromeda?" the creature closed his eyes, let out a mild chuckle and walked towards husky. "i am andromeda. it is very nice to meet you, my evocanis friend."

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Project D.E: Chapter 2 A New Home

andromeda replied returning a warm smile. "no." husky urged to add. "again; thank you for everything your race has done for us, andromeda."

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Tainted Waters - Concepts & Ideas Part 1: The Setting

andromeda's frigate - a medium sized aircraft with a rugged design, capable of carrying up to 10 passengers.

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Change of Perspective Page 33

We will submit our findings to the consensus upon reaching andromeda." "acknowledged," the other geth respond. **601y0d0hr0m0.00s voyage to andromeda** the geth science vessel a101-b621 sensing the new cycle pings 141895112.

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Change of Perspective Page 32

The ship is now completely silent save for the hum of the engines as it along with the other geth ships move towards their destination, andromeda, but not all geth were idle. **0y0d0hr0m0.01s voyage to andromeda geth consensus**

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MLP: Prelude

andromeda smiled to her husbands before slowly standing and holding the little foal in her hoof. she slowly walked over to the now dry basket that lunar was found in and laid him gently in it.


Andromeda Rises Ch. 5

"so then explain to me exactly why a ship from the fucking milky way just arrived in andromeda!?"

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A Gay Royal Wedding

I turned around and saw an angry andromeda charging towards me, destroying the decorations as she went.

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An Introduction to a New Series

The resulting temporal flux created a time differential in which those of the andromeda galaxy have existed for twenty thousand years.

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The Heart's Cure

With that, subject andromeda was released into the wild. albeit it was kind of strange. the scientists simply brought her to a secluded spot a bit known for some ponyta activity, and let her go.

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