Andromeda Rises Ch. 1

The red-haired and eyed eternal fainted and fell back onto her examination table. just then, tak entered the room.

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Anthera Chapter 4 "Animal Inside of Him"

Chapter 4 "Animal Inside of Him" It must have been nearly noon, the sun was almost directly over them as Nika continued to pull him. His presence seemed to catch the attention of some of the inhabitance, but they didn't bother trying to stop...

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Buddy Fight: Fighting Magic [Chapter 1] Enter New Territory

Being in the world of the eternals though it was no easy feat to simply win a battle.

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The right time...

What seems like an eternity passes, though it is only a few minutes.

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Beasts of War

Bitter end except in this scrap neither wins surviving just to war again conflict extended across the ages it's end predicted by the sages oh how these men be forever wrong as naught man's job to end their song and so they sing they're eternal

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Andromeda Rises Ch. 5

Chloe was one of the few eternals that preferred to keep her fangs completely intact. "you remember the cleansing i ordered you to undertake?" "of the milky way, my queen?"

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Andromeda Rises Ch. 4

"the blessings of being an eternal, i guess," matthew said with a harsh bitterness. "you still hate yourself for that?"

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She squeezed aina's paw and led her on into the eternity of paradise. "i missed you, _mi sihle._" "i know." "how long did you wait?" "it felt like an eternity.

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Andromeda Rises Ch. 2

She was even building her knowledge of the three primary languages outside of english--which was referred to as the eternal language, thanks to the fact only the eternals possessed the language for so many eons.

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Eternal Mortality: From Ronald To Ian

This is a quick overview on the leadership abilities and preferences between Ronald and Ian Fastolf. Under Ronald: Freedom of religion strained. "Religion... Another word for poisoning of the mind." - Ronald Fastolf Freedom of speech enhanced, and...

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Eternal Mortality: One Last Try

We have sent you a way, a way for eternal peace, a balance. but you've destroyed it. so now, we try again, and the false god corrupts our plan. mortal, it's not your place, the power you wield is not your own. it's devouring you.

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