Pathologizing the Daxy

**pathological altruism** altruism in general is viewed highly favorably to federation citizens and is a popular personality trait among doctors such as myself.

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Love and Altruism.txt

altruism is dead. was it alive? or is this just a pure selfish passion? destruction of the self leads right to love but without the self one ceases to strive for dreams, releasing the white mourning dove.

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Presto - Chapter 14

For all his plans of altruism, he certainly had benefitted from his association with the fennec. being around david, being around other gay people, had made arden feel at once fearful but paradoxically, safe.

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Greenwood - Shooting Star FR

Greenwood est un contexte moderne que j'ai improvisé pour mettre en scène un ikita moderne et réaliste, sans autre pouvoir que son altruisme sans illusion. ceci est une histoire d'entraînement.

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Choice(Balance)-Arc 2"Trust" part 9

"if only it were that simple.the world is being constantly pulled on by the 2 opposing forces: heaven and hell.there's no peace,no altruism in this pitiful powerstruggle.however.there is a way to bring,kay.your powers have'nt fully awakened yet

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Hidden Desires: Altruism(illustrated story!)

**hidden desires part 3: altruism** istaryl rushed up the stairs, adrenaline pumping through his veins, his claws pattering audibly on the naked wood.

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Lykos 3-12 - Object Lesson

When does altruism supplant personal satisfaction? have a good weekend everyone." the professor smiled, moving back to his desk.

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A Fiery Desire

**spirit - leadership ace - loyalty wind - truth maj - knowledge ilumious - influence domen - judgment shadow - passion juhal - difference jamal - mystery sun - guardianship unakumi - revenge lilthian - duty cervin - altruism puppeh

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Song of Destruction

This i did, not out of any altruism or especial favor for the land who's colors it flew. i did it because _my_ sailor was aboard. taking on this drudgery, tending to these swine that sullied the water, was the only way for me to stay near him.

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Journal Entry, First Day

At all times, giving my customers and co-workers labor sparkled inside and out with altruism, behind the wall of a deli store counter is safety, security, an area where i can say "not too close but we can communicate anyways."

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Past me, the Present: Jump!

Depths of all that is - entanglements anchoring the quantum dream to the first light of creation, we heard ... hear ... two familiar voices - remnants of man's forgotten legacy: neither voidsinger nor accord, they spoke ... speak ... to us of compassion, altruism


Shadow of Life ending

Is this some sort of perverted altruism! fire?, really fire. you just plane to try to burn away our life, our livelihood? i love you! you ignorant peace..."

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