Whispering Haven Inn

_ **Whispering Haven Inn** _ _ **L** _aughter echoed through the old tavern. Adding to the boisterous noise was the clank of several tankards filled to the brim with mead. Voices carried in the promise of a new tale, an adventure from some far away...

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_ **Go** __ **ne** _ _In the future there lies a peace_ _Where the spirits of life meet once more_ _All dressed in their coats of fleece_ _To embark on the final journey to the distant shore_ _While darkness reigns for a span_ _Always to yield to...


The Red Eye

_ **The Dark Eye** _ _ **C** _ammy rubbed two fingers along the edge of her brow. A thick bulge had begun to form along the side of her temple, a similar knot popped out of her neck. A furious rage boiled within her mind, causing her muscles to tense....

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Never More

_ **Never More** _ _Night draws the warmth away_ _Leaving those beneath to sway_ _Music softly floating upon the breeze_ _Bodies as one dance upon a play_ _Every voice is unique if only to listen_ _To hear the words they speak from within...


The Darkness

_ **The Darkness** _ _Still darkness creeps into the heart_ _Of an empty soul alone_ _Edges of sharp veins in a hearth_ _To drive deeper the pain_ _Voices of songs past sing_ _Of joy and radiance beyond_ _Of a life without worry or...

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