
Slow, shuffling feet move along the cracked and damp concrete of the worn sidewalk. Neither wizened woman speaks as they approach the most inhospitable of places to anyone of sane mind. Flashing neon signs blink various brands of beer and the deafening...

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A Moment Of Beauty.

The crystal blue spans as far as the eye can see from one horizon to the other. No clouds. No creatures. Wind washes over scales like water cascading over rocks hidden beneath its glassy sheen. Black the color of the darkest onyx lazily peers across...

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A Snowkitten Cometh 27: Nightmares

Leana sits curled up, legs pulled tight against her chest, as she rocks slightly in her bed. The feeling of dread that woke her out of a deep slumber clings to her like wet clothes, suffocating her. Unsummoned tears gather at the corners of her eyes...

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The Neighbor Bears All.

Yuri takes the worn steps like he usually does up the couple stories to the third floor of the apartment building where he lives, his shoulder-length black hair flowing behind him. The tiger huffs lightly as he turns to the right at the top of the open...

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The Neighbor Bears All 2: True Feelings

White hair whips through the air as the polar bear thrashes around, her pillows and sheets quickly flying off the bed to the floor. White hands claw their way down the orange-furred black-stripped back of the tiger male above her....

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Darkness Calls

Standing at the edge Staring into the abyss I hear the voices behind me Hear the words Tormenting me Teasing me Destroying me My self-worth lies in ruins My life fails I feel the oppression closing in Suffocating me Squeezing out...


The Love of the Son

"Ian! Tianna! Come here!" the motherly voice calls from the kitchen. The two coyotes bolt towards their mother's favorite room. "I have great news! Alexis is coming home for a week during her break!" She growls when...

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Father Knows Best

"What the hell are you doing?" yells the tiger, startling his daughter. She jumps and clamps her legs closed, hiding herself and the pink dildo still within her. Her hands fumble with the sheet on her bed as the embarrassment of her...

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A New Recruit

Smoke fills the backroom of the casino. Outside, people of every race and species plug their currency in the machines or slap it down on the tables. All want that big score. Inside the room, however, is a game with a little more at...

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Office Mates

The sound of the pen slapping against the table disrupts the concentration of the raccoon as he pours over the case in front of him. He looks up from the scattered papers on his desk and peers over his shoulder at his officemate. ...

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A Card Game

"FINE! JUST FUCK OFF!" the vixen yells before slapping the phone closed and tossing it on the table. "Asshole!" Her friend and neighbor looks at her. The tiger raises his eyebrows, "I'm guessing that wasn't a good...

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When the Need Arises

"Oh gods, no. Not now!" the skunk mutters to herself. The thick heavy muskiness of the horse sitting at the table behind her fills her flaring nostrils. Her sister sitting across from her looks at her with a puzzled look on her...

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