12/21/2012 Full Circle

Joshua woke with a start. He'd seen his wife killed again in his dreams. It was the third time this week. He angrily cursed himself silently. He was sure he was over it by now. He looked at the clock. Quarter of 6. He got up and stretched quietly, so...

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Joey's Changing

Xavier and Roy were sitting in the bedroom, watching the Discovery Channel. It was about 6:30 PM that evening, the sun was just setting over the horizon, and dusk was out. Here within the house, the lights were on only in the bedroom, and then only...

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Xavier's Changing

Ugh, what a day! First there was being late for the bus, which he never was. He always optimized his time, he always made it to the bus at the precise moment. The same precise moment at that. What time was unimportant. 7:04 A.M. That wasn't the...

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Artist's Change

"Aw, Jamie. Do you mean to tell me that I spent all night working on this picture and you won't even take five seconds to glance at it?" Jason took a quick, sharp look at Jamison Voorhees. He sighed as he saw Jamie's quick look back at him, indicating...

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12/21/2012 10: The End

Raven looked at her. "All right then." Raven smiled softly, "I know, I am as well. All right, what do you feel like eating?" Raven asked standing up and pushing her hair back. "Well first let me get dressed." Raven smiled softly and she grabbed her...

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12/21/2012 9: Rest

"I'll help you. I mean that's what friends are for." Raven smiled softly, "I know it's not fair that he did this." Raven looked at Dustin. "I'm here for comfort if you need it; you know, a shoulder to cry on." Raven let another tear run down. ...

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12/21/2012 8: Falling Apart

Gongon scrambled up the rock he was against, laughing nervously. He peered down at Dustin. "Don't you try that on me, I know you're gonna kill me, you may be harmless on your own but with the group you'll take me out, but I'm smarter than that, so you...

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12/21/2012 7: The Town

Dustin and Kristin drove down the antique Route 66, not stopping for anything. They wanted to find a place to stay that wasn't destroyed at this point. He drove on until he came to a small town, completely barren it seemed on the outside. He finally...

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12/21/2012 6: Still Moving

Lexi stepped out of the elevator and ran down the hallway, calling for Raven and Vasily. "Hurry come over here! I need to tell you something!" Vasily smiled at Raven. "I came in here to sit down a bit, just needed to get away for a few moments you...

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12/21/2012 5: Relocation

Joshua's cold and dead body lie on the deck as the rain fell on it. He was no longer with them in life, but he was still on that porch with them. They mourned him for several minutes, which became hours. Dustin and Kristin held each other lightly,...

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12/21/2012 4: Harsh Reality

Logen did not know where she was; neither did she know why she was there. She had nothing to live for, nothing to do; the life she had had up until now she hated because it was all pain and suffering. She now sat trying to suppress the memories of the...

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12/21/2012 3: Higher Tensions

Raven turned and looked around, wondering what she was doing out in the woods now. She remembered quickly it was because she didn't want the others to be hurt. She had to control herself out here before she killed them all. She had to do something, but...

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