Chapter 7: Altesien's Master World Saving Plan Or Is It?

Silver woke the next morning as he always did but found himself not in his own room but Emma's. Thats when last nights memories came back to him when he looked up to see Emma as she had some dried blood on her face and the fact he was still wearing the...

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Chapter 6: Fate Of His New World!

Days had gone by and none of the family was the same. It was now nine days after the death of Mona Victoria and Emma's mother and even though Silver didn't know her he still felt as though he lost such an important part of himself. Silver himself was...

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Chapter 5: The Rival Appears But not Just His!

Emma was playing outside once again leaving Silver and Victoria to have the house to themselves. She knew what they would be doing and so she decided to go outside with her friends as they began to play tag. Inside the house however different sounds...

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Chapter 4: Power To Protect And Use!

Sliver sat at a chair in his room when he noticed a little boy playing with a toy robot outside his window which made him slime some but mostly think about this power he had. Silver's mind elapsed several times over what has happened over the few days...

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Chapter 3: When His Curse Becomes His Blessing!

Darkness was all Silver could see after the night he knocked himself out. He searched for a long time trying to escape the darkness until he turned to see a small light as he ran towards it. He hoped it would be the way out of this dark land but it was...

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Chapter 2: Restart My Life Anew

Hello Chapter two is here now. Hope you all enjoy this!! Kyo woke slowly but surely as he looked around several times noticing he was in a room on a bed as he looked to the window and peered out of it as he grabbed his head as it throbbed with...

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Chapter 1: When Good Things Go Bad.

Hello again all I'm back with another tale and this is going to be a start of a new story but I will continue to work on the other stories as well. But this story is one I just had to do I hope you all enjoy! Kyo was working in the basement of his...

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When you have something to protect!

Hello all this is my first story for Yiff Star and I hope you like it because I love to write and this really speaks some of my really good imagination and I hope this will become a series thanks for the support!! The night was dark the moon...

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Chapter Final: The Saviour becomes the Sacrafice.

Victoria woke up the next day as she looked to the empty spot next to her and wondered where Silver was. She soon stood next to the bed wrapping herself in a robe before walking to the bathroom and brushing her teeth. She found her way to the bedroom...

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