Coldest wind, Hottest Night

Nighttime, The dark sky, the lack of clouds bringing all to be swallowed within it's beauty. The open valley snuggled between two moonlight coated mountains Fading into the darkness of the sky. The stars shining vividly down and the moon smiling over...

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The Best Clearing

Luun stared at the new intruder to what he thought was a very well hidden area, the vaporeon was smiling at them, which made Luun nervous, Hally had only recently removed herself from his knot as she stared dumbfounded at her sister. Hally in no...

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The Best Garden

It was a new year in the Gracidea Flower Garden, the next year on the same previously known rainiest day of each year, the flower garden seemed to keep the whole storm away, or that was somehow now the belief. The storm clouds were visible in the...

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The Best Treat

It was Halloween, different pokemon roamed around the forest in different outfits of different things, some dressed as other pokemon and some dressed as objects or just their regular selves, one pikachu had a red and white baseball cap that seemed...

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The Best Storm

The rain was pouring heavily, beating down on the trees making even some of the leaves get ripped off by the sheer torrent of it. The rain hitting the floor almost the sound of hail, though there was no ice to hit the ground. Only fools would dare this...

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