Teaching Moment

Note: This is almost a stand-alone. It happens at about the same time as "Procedure." I've never written M/M before, so your advice and comments are needed MORE THAN EVER! \*\*\*Tuesday, 2:30 PM, Companions, Inc. Technician's Room Unbeknownst to...

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\*\*\* Tuesday, 3 PM, Companions, Inc. Testing Center The thin paper gown crackled as Lenore shifted uncomfortably. She was seated on the kind of hard raised bed present in every doctor's office, with Dr. Vert in a much cushier-looking chair...

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\*\*\* Thursday, mid-afternoon, Companions Inc. meeting room "We can engineer them to your exact specifications, Miss DeWilla. Your every whim, your every desire- we can combine them into the perfect companion." "In what capacity do these companions...

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By The Fireside

I have traveled so far. I've crossed mountains tall and rivers wild. I've been a whisker's length from death, cooled my paws in fountains of long-dead cities, treaded along narrow animal paths in rainy jungles. I've seen things you've never dreamed...

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Strange and Wonderful Things: Auspices

Sometimes, strange and wonderful things just happen. Then again, sometimes they don't. That's something I've learned well in my twenty years of life. My name is Saçma- Sash, informally- and my life as an erudite, selective,...

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