Pacificaris 5: The Hidden, The Damned, The Prosecuted

Pacificaris Pt. 5 The Hidden, The Damned, and The Prosecuted A few hours had passed since Mist had neutralized the guards at his apartment. By now the full city was on alert, lies had been spread, and Mist was a very wanted phin. He was...

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Pacificaris: Tales of What Lies Below

Pacificaris Pt. 4 Tales of What Lies Below As with anything I write the following story is fiction. The characters are copyright to me. If you are reading this with hopes of yiff then you are out of luck. Some of the scenes may contain subject...

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There's a Dork in my Pants

This story...blah blah blah. Don't read if you are under 18, that includes your maturity level. This story was written thanks to Starbucks, and an adorable phin named Trun. If you like my story, please vote on it. If you don't like it, Please comment...

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Dreaming in a Reality

Dreaming in a Reality (Pacificaris pt. 2) Sounds of a dolphin were snoring in a dark room with shimmering water patterns dancing on the walls. The dolphin, deep in slumber tossed and turned some as he dreamed about the delphinic beauty he gazed...

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Search for Paradise

Author note: This story came to me from a dream I had recently. This will be a story series with yiff in it but in this beginnig part i just wanted to set the tone and environment the main character has wandered into. Yes it isn't the greatest but i...

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The Annihilator and Its General

READER'S WARNING-If you are a minor or take offense to yiffy situations, sci-fi themed stories, or furres; then this story isn't for you and you should not read it. All characters are copyrighted to their players on Furcadia. Also I will not be held...

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Pacificaris pt. 6: Operation Wet Strike

Pacificaris pt. 6 Operation Wet Strike A beep alerted the dancing phin as he looked down at his arm then gasped and rushed out, pushing phins aside in his rush to get up to his ship. It took a couple of minutes, but once inside he managed to...

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Chapter 3

This is a real long one so I hope you enjoy this one everyone. WARNING: ADULT you must be 18 yrs of age to view this (sometimes 21). Parents if you let your kids see this it is not my problem. THERE. Ok. So tell me if you like it and give me...

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Chapeter 2

I finally got this story through. I had the next chapters ready but they were pretty dull so I fixed them up so not only are the longer but the have a lot more action in them for everyone to enjoy. It's the first time that I wrote yiff though tell me...

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Mist-Chapter 1

This is my first chapter of a series. And I guess I got a put that warning thing to so... WARNING: ADULT you must be 18 yrs of age to view this (sometimes 21). Parents if you let your kids see this it is not my problem. THERE. Ok. So tell me if...

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