Pokemon - To Catch Them All - Route 118 and 119

castform was in immediate agreement and happily nudged me and i grabbed a pokeball and tapped castform with it. "castform has been registered to your pokedex. castform the weather pokemon a normal type. its appearance changes with the weather.

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A Castforms unfortunate balls placement

Size of barrels that manage to get pummeled everyday, you see female castform pokemon have their breasts at least stay close and forward to their bodies while male castforms balls stay away from them and are basically floating ballsacks to abuse, but at least

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Pretty in Pink

Haku was sorely tempted to encourage her to stick around, offer him some alternative company to the three castform.

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Pokemon - To Catch Them All - Liza and Tate and Water Exploration

"come out castform!" castform appeared curious as to what it needed to do. "castform can you use weather ball on that luvdisc?" castform eagerly nodded firing a surprisingly powerful weather ball which did good damage to luvdisc. "pokeball go!"

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Pokemon - To Catch Them All - Route 120

castform had been new as well and it was a interesting and unique pokemon. castform was really helpful in predicting the weather with his weather abilities.

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Pokemon - To Catch Them All - Aerial Battle Winona

Next up was a parasol lady who challenged me with a castform and since it was raining the castform had assumed a rain form. i sent out my hariyama having him use brick break defeating castform.

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An Absolute Disaster!

castform floated about, most of them already changed to the weather surrounding them. a dodrio rose their heads up and called out the 'morning call'. the sound could be heard withen miles away, and other dodrio called as well.

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A New Start As A Trainer/ Chapter 26: A Battle In the Gardenia (part 1)

Explained lucas; in his game he had a castform that knew weather ball so he knew about the move. "ditto, poison sting!" cried shane.

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Legend High-Chapter 1

The camera turned to derek, who was ironically a castform pokemorph. 'and it looks like-' derek never got to finish his report on the weather because tanner decided to turn it off hearing his 'mother's' one-nighter' leave 'her' room. "oh whee, baby!

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Stormy Beginnings

Glenn wondered if the storm would knock out power maybe he should check the castform forecasting to see how long the storm would last.

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Pokemon - To Catch Them All - Goodbye Hoenn, Hello Kanto

castform was welcomed by my pokemon as he could predict whether patterns accurately and as such he helped my pokemon know what was coming and when something which everyone appreciated.

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Pokemorph Virus: Village

"not much else can do this kind of thing. castforms don't have enough power." he muttered, sloshing out of town and in the direction of the forest. now, there were almost no pokemon in the area as they started moving into the tall grass.

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