The Cerebral Corporate Cortex

The squeak of a turning faucet brought to end the warm comforting waterfall of the shower. The skunk let out a bit of a sigh, leaving the comfort provided by the cleansing waters was never easy. He knew it could never last forever though, especially...

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The Hybrid War part 1

"you weren't lying, she is a fox i mean vixen" laura said lynx's ears were flat against his head, he could feel the nanites fixing his damaged cerebral cortex and slowly memories and other data came flooding back to him "what did she mean standing

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Isolation-Excerpt 25-Ghoul

The base of it's neck was playing host to what looked like an cerebral interface and set in the back of it's head was a small screen surrounded by metal plating with two buttons below it.

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Stella Novus - Præludium, Terra Perniciosa

"subject v-001 is showing elevated cardiac and cerebral activity. respiration within normal parameters."

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On Colonizing Part 1

However more and more i am forced to use the cerebral link instead.

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Galactic Ranger CYOA Part One

\*cerebral implants-to your character's fortune or misfortune. he has cerebral implants installed in his brain that allows him to remotely operate technology and perform computer operations mentally.

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Mini: The Omniscience Engine

'it appears i have gotten the defiance part of the cerebral structure correct. but no, you are not. subject 02, how old do you think you are?' 'mid-thirties, maybe? what the hell does that have to do with anything, you damnable machine?' o.a.i.'

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Industrial Model

The skin surrounding the cerebral link all twisted and shifted into a thin layer of metal, better designed to support the thick bunches of cable running up his spine.

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Character Reference

Due to microchips being able to fit more on it, but still be small enough overall to be injected easily into the cerebral cortex, this has been made possible.

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Chapter 6

I hope i don't have a cerebral edema. those are really hard to fix and the vet would probably just have to put me down. that would be too bad... something was squeezing my arm. i pulled but i couldn't get my arm back.

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Companions Chapter 00: Preface

\_companions\_ started out as a cerebral masturbatory fantasy in part 1.

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Beautiful minds

James had been diagnosed with cerebral palsy. his family thought he'd never be able to walk. never be able to speak his mind, if he had anything going through his mind that is. sometimes his family even questioned if there was a brain in his head at all.

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