**exposition** log 3 day 1 "but sir! he was being attacked!" i tried to reason with the principal. "irrelevant, if you see a fight, notify the security officers.
. \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* exposition characters and text (c) 2005, c sandwalker the alarm clock beeping shrilly woke gary up a few hours later.
Reoxxan at the Exhibition 1
With his kobold companion, parriquaz, he journeys to anteronia to witness the exposition and show off a few of his creations. when he arrives, the dragon sees something more magnificent than he could imagine.
Through unconsciousness, I felt the sensation of being dragged. When my eyes opened, my head was filled with a throbbing ache. I could see the empty branches of the autumn trees above and a quickly darkening overcast sky beyond. I groggily looked down...
Metamorphosis of Narcissus
_"Every man puts himself into God, and even God is a man, himself." -Anonymous_ Hmm? What's that you say? .... You mean this? I see. No one has ever asked that of me before. Why would you want to know about my life, my young friend? ......
The Lanchester Case: Chapter 1
Lanchester. It's a pretty town. Small town. As most small towns tend to go, everyone seems to know each other. Basic things from a nod by one driver to another on a dusty, lonely road, to loaning your neighbors your truck because they're moving....
Interlude: Committee Briefing
Transcript of testimony from Golden Mountain Reconstruction Team Project Head Dennis R. Thomas, Lead Archaeologist Doctor Connor Moreau, Project Surgical Expert Doctor Jeanine Richards, Project Neurologist Doctor Ellen Cories, Project...
Leyak! (*Short Story*) Part 2 of 2
" - - - that next week, ambrose poussin sent me on an assignment to cover the inauguration of the exposition internationale des arts for the paris soir.
Food Chain: Exposition
The terrified mouse girl ran through the jungle as quickly as she could, ducking, weaving, and leaping to avoid hidden traps that by now she has become well aware of after spending weeks mapping their locations. Her breathing was ragged, she was on her...
Exposition Can Be Fun To
This story runs parallel with "No More Bed Time Stories" and is an addition to it. The latex fairy reclined in one of the many transformed seats in the house he had appropriated. The house next door where he had sent his first...
MSBA- Walking Exposition
#4 of msba and we get some exposition on what the msba is and a bit more exposition as they learn how to walk. though amusingly enough, because of the extra conditions on writing msba, chapters like this give me anxiety.
Interview with a Villain
#3 of hunters and hunted the continuing adventures of red raider, now with more expositions! this one was basically an excuse for me to write out some information about the setting, but i clearly marked the exposition so you can skip it if you want.