Home is Where the Love is
The colorful plumes were the pride of every lorcaelan, and halyn's were unique.
Anatomically Correct, Arousal, Boomer, Character Development, Cock, Courtship, Creampie, Cuddling, Cum, Cumming, Cumshot, Cumsplash, Cunnilingus, Deep Penetration, Deep Thrust, Ejaculation, Fantasizing, Fantasy, Feathers, Female, Feral, Foreplay, Hardships, Heat, Herm/m, Herm/solo, Hermaphrodite, Impregnation, Kissing, Licking, Lorcaelan, Love, Lubrication, Lust, M/F, M/F/F, M/Herm, M/M, M/M/F, Male, Marsupial, Masturbation, Mating, Messy, Multiple Orgasm, Musk, Non-Anthro, Oral, Orgasm, Passion, Paws, Penetration, Penis, Plot Development, Pussy, Realistic, Rimming, Romance, Scotland, Seed, Sex, Spooge, Squirting, Straight, Teasing, Threesome, Thylacine, Todd, Tongue penetration, Vagina, Vaginal, Vaginal Sex, Vaginal kissing, Vixen, Wet, World Development, Yiff, affection, flyer, happy ending, original species, pouch, semen, sucking
A Proper Mate
The colorful plumes were the pride of every lorcaelan, and halyn's were unique.
Arousal, Character Development, Cock, Courtship, Creampie, Cuddling, Cum, Cumming, Cumshot, Cumsplash, Cunnilingus, Deep Penetration, Deep Thrust, Ejaculation, Fantasizing, Fantasy, Feathers, Female, Feral, Foreplay, Hardships, Heat, Herm/m, Herm/solo, Hermaphrodite, Impregnation, Kissing, Licking, Lorcalean, Love, Lubrication, Lust, M/F, M/F/F, M/M, M/M/F, Male, Marsupial, Masturbation, Mating, Messy, Multiple Orgasm, Musk, Non-Anthro, Oral, Orgasm, Passion, Paws, Penetration, Penis, Plot Development, Pussy, Realistic, Rimming, Romance, Seed, Sex, Spooge, Squirting, Straight, Teasing, Threesome, Tongue penetration, Vagina, Vaginal, Vaginal Sex, Vaginal kissing, Wet, World Development, Yiff, affection, happy ending, original species, pouch, semen, sucking