Fabulam Vulpeculi - The Fox's Tale
Et narravit fabulam longam et mirabilis, fabulam cujusmodo quam solus animales narravant. et venerunt lacrimas in oculos nivosos vulpeculi, sed ad oculos febriculosos pueri solus pax at gaudium.
Maximus - Recovery, One Whale at a Time
Maximus: Recovery, One Whale at a Time 'Hold off, you great lummox,' Berkley said. 'Keynes will have my head if he sees you eating that.' 'But I feel so much better,' Maximus said, licking the blood from his talons. 'Besides, Keynes said that...
The Captain's Cabin Part 2
Part 2 Arrion rubbed Charlton's belly softly, stopping the motion only to grab a love handle. Soon his hands worked their way under his belly, then to his thigh. 'Captain,' was all Charlton could manage as he grew hard. 'Why don't we take...
The Captain's Cabin Part 1
The Captain's Cabin By Zigzak Charlton parried blow after savage blow from his opponent's cutlass, but the shepherd's form was poor and he was beginning to tire. The shepherd made a desperate over-head swing, and Charlton was almost too slow to...