In the Beginning (TwV Mythology)
In the beginning there were three pure aspects, each without motion, and each with absolute power. They are known now as Space, Time, and Ether. As there was nothing but void, all was still, all was pure, and all was perfect. As Time advanced and...
BB Mythology: Irresistible
#3 of bb mythology what time is it? ball-bustin' dragon gods time! this story introduces two gods in more detail: xonos, the god of stamina, and lyn, the goddess of pleasure.
BB Mythology: The Big Burst
#2 of bb mythology and now for something completely different... welcome to a new series of ballbusting stories!
Andros and the liontaur
All blood draining from his face, the teenager turns around to face the angered mythological beast and holds his shield firmly in front of him.
Facts about the Elohim, Part 2
Ancient sumerian/babylonian mythology, as well as ancient greek mythology, speak of a war waged between the human-like "gods" of their pantheons and an earlier, more chaotic race. the greek myths called this earlier race the titans.
My Personal Demon Ch. 2
'yeah, i'm in my mythology class as we speak, this is my final class for the day' 'mythology? you never told me you studied mythology!'
Return of the Lycans 1
You get into....journal of mythology." "oh bite me drake. so what did you ask me here for?" that was the entire reason why he was out.
Character bios
#1 of bb mythology quick status update! i'm about halfway done with next story, which is another "ballbusting mythology" piece.
Typheks Origins
His mythology is twisted as it is diverse, mangled between the chords of many interpretations and speculations.
Playing goddess chptr 1
Step inside, went to the mythology section, found a book on celtic mythology. i flipped through a few pages, like what i read and decided to buy the book. a few weeks went by, nothing really happened. i read the book, found some things interesting.
Trust Trial (Chap16, book9)
"i mean, why did you choose an incubus if you hated us mythological types? incidentally, how did the mythological race come about?"
There was an empty space that was ruled by none and known to all. With the empty space came a powerful spiritual being, which was named L'ingannatore. L'ingannatore saw the empty space and created a ball from the darkness and added some of his skin to...