Go Out With a Thunk
He shackled zerky's wrists behind his back, and after getting up used the chain to tug zerky back on his feet. "now move it." he lightly kicked the hyon's butt, causing zerky to yelp and scurry forward.
Deadly Desires
Deadly desires by: zerky devore (formerly berserkerb) zerky eats bandit (this little story is to showcase an idea i have to give zerky the ability to manipulate emotions of others.
Don't be Late to a Date with Zerky: A Redrum story
Never be late to a date with zerky: a redrum story written by: zerky devore | commissioned by: charn zerky devore hated being late.
A Slimy Mistake
He chuckled and went to pull his paw free, but zerky's body did not let go. stank tried to pull it out again, but to no avail. "uh, zerky, buddy, pal, you can let go now." zerky looked down at the hand stuck inside his gooey body. "wait.
Wildebeest Brunch
He used his grip to pull zerky further in, helping to ease his gullet's work. his jaw stretched and his neck bulged out as zerky's thighs managed to slip past the gnu's lips. but zerky was not ready to give up the fight.
Down in Georgia
Being from the mid-west, zerky was fortunate enough to speak in only dialect of english that did not have an accent. his attention shifted as the door swung open. "zerky!" cried emmy, zerky's lupine friend.
The Redrum Strip Club: Prologue
Along the way, barty and zerky passed an otter who was getting dressed for a performance. zerky stopped and checked the otter's profile. "excuse me," he said, catching the otter's attention, "are you jamie?"
Redrum Strip Club: Part 2
zerky © me jamie © otterakajamie otterakajamie slade © slade slade horatio © ainoko ainoko ket © vertex01 vertex01 cameo appearance by fa: novathefox13 " redrum strip club: part 2 by: zerky devore (all characters © their owners) zerky waited for the
Welcome Back to Redrum
"get off me," zerky huffed. "i have things to do." "huh? oh, s-sorry." mark stood back up and stepped back. his cock was dripping with cum, as was zerky's ass. he waited while zerky got some towels for them to clean off with.
Commercial Predation
zerky... i seem to be in a rather difficult position, and you're my only ticket out." the tiger's voice quivered slightly.
RTSYM: The Forbidden Pleasure
"easy zerky. give the guy a chance to explain." without looking at the gasping mutt, berserker let go.
Bad Romance: Hot Cooking
It featured our characters (his a wolf at the time) enjoying some sexy breakfast made out of zerky's poor poor cock and balls. i think he still reads this story sometimes...